Ich biete euch hier den neuen Microsoft Flight Simulator in der Premium Deluxe Version günstig an, zum spielen.
+Das Spiel wird über den Microsoft Store installiert
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Spielpreis neu beträgt: 119,99 €
der Preis beträgt bei mir
5,00 €
Informationen zum Spiel:
The Microsoft Flight Simulator Premium Deluxe Edition contains all the content from Microsoft Flight Simulator and 10 more faithfully recreated aircraft with unique flight models, as well as 10 more handcrafted airports.
The whole world is at your disposal. Take to the skies for the thrill of flying in the next generation Microsoft Flight Simulator.
Visit where you always wanted. Fly over a detailed globe: over 2 million cities, 1.5 billion buildings, real mountains, roads, trees, rivers, animals and movement in the sky await you.
Flights are available to everyone. Hone your skills on a variety of aircraft, from light aircraft to commercial airliners. You will receive interactive lessons with a flexible system of prompts and checklists, as well as highlighting the necessary devices.
Challenge yourself. Fly day and night: the simulator broadcasts real weather - wind speed and direction, temperature, humidity, rain and thunderstorms.
Additional aircraft
• Diamond Aircraft DA40-TDI
• Diamond Aircraft DV20
• Textron Aviation Beechcraft Baron G58
• Textron Aviation Cessna 152 Aerobat
• Textron Aviation Cessna 172 Skyhawk
• Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner
• Cirrus Aircraft SR22
• Pipistrel Virus SW 121
• Textron Aviation Cessna Citation Longitude
• Zlin Aviation Shock Ultra
Additional improved airports
• Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (Netherlands)
• Cairo International Airport (Egypt)
• Cape Town International Airport (South Africa)
• O´Hare International Airport (USA)
• Madrid-Barajas Airport named after Adolfo Suarez (Spain)
• Denver International Airport (USA)
• Dubai International Airport (United Arab Emirates)
• Frankfurt Airport (Germany)
• Heathrow Airport (UK)
• San Francisco International Airport (USA)
Requires 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 10
Processor: Intel i5-4460 | AMD Ryzen 3 1200
RAM: 8 GB of RAM
Video card: NVIDIA GTX 770 | AMD Radeon RX 570
DirectX: Version 11
Disk space: 150 GB