selling 12sky m1 fujin or trading for 12sky jinong 09/16/2010 - General Gaming Discussion - 1 Replies im selling a m1 fujin he has a katana 81% nd rare necky nd ring nd he has a uni robe if your interested post a reply here im looking for 12sky silver coins or a jinong 100+ my email is [email protected]
wtt m20 devotion jinong 09/15/2009 - Trading - 0 Replies as the title say wtt m20 devotion jinong (12sky1) for a m14+ fujin or i sell the account for 500-600m pm me if you need or wtb (500m for clean account and 600m for gears on it) pm me on xfire NOT HERE!!! i barley come on this this xfire name : mikeboy101 add me on friends if your interested ill close this down in the end of september
WTS M20 12SKY GUAN DEVOTION SERVER 08/28/2009 - Trading - 1 Replies To all 12sky gamers,
I have currently quit 12SKY 1 as i am preparing to go to take up proffesional sport abroad in spain, and need to ditch the game in order to move on.
The acccount features:-
M20 Guan ROBE - cbs 12 108%
M17 Guan boots - cbs 8 -102%
M17 guan gloves - cbs 10 105%
M17 guan blade +4 PT 108% cbs 12
WTT For a 100+ fujin 12Sky account on Devotion 12/31/2008 - Trading - 1 Replies Ok i am lookin for a fujin charcter lvl 100+ on devotion server, either with or without items, i amoffering high %/CS items or in game cash, aswell as trading for other various accounts for various games.
please post or PM me with your offers and leave youMSN details i will get back to you.
WTS/WTT> Lv 107 Fujin-Devotion ( 12Sky ) 12/24/2008 - Trading - 0 Replies I'm looking for a serenity account or money ( I recommend money )
Leave your offers here
I'm looking for Serenity Gold/Accounts jpg
It's level 107