[WTT] - LVL20 GW Acct + Steam Acct for 90+ Bower/Nuker/Wiz - Look Inside SS 07/21/2009 - Silkroad Online Trading - 1 Replies I would prefer a character on ROME but will consider all offers. Obviously I have no black market feedback. Here is my heatware, an online feedback system. I have purchased and sold items over $200 all + feedback.
You can PM me on any of the forums listed for verification. I have also added epvp.
We WILL USE a middle man, I have been scammed already, it will not happen again.
Middle man must have +5 black market and verbally express in this thread that he is willing to risk...
S>ROHAN PH ACCT. WIZ LVL69 W/ Imba Equips 06/21/2009 - Trading - 1 Replies http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/8848/imbaequipsi. png
http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/8848/imbaequipsi .png
wts max lvl 99 defender rohan acct 05/28/2009 - Trading - 0 Replies I have a lvl 99 defender that I want to sell. It has 19 skills with skill enchantments done. I want to sell it clean.
Torian Server...
Stat points are resetted for you.
WTS ROHAN ACCT!!! HIGH LVL 07/28/2008 - Trading - 2 Replies Selling my Rohan character on MAREA server. This character is known for being one of the greatest in the server at PVP and PK >:). The equipment on the character is really godly and the Closed Beta hat is on the account. On the account, I am the guild commander of a guild with over 80 mind&body stones which are cash shop items (which can be sold for probably a few mil). 32 is in the bank and i think about 3 mil on the character.
Class: Dragon Knight
Build: Str with good equips (can tank...
Rohan Acct 05/25/2008 - Trading - 0 Replies WTB/WTT for a Rohan acct idk much about the game expect im downloading it now and looks awesome. thnx and contact me if u have an acct i can use.