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WTS Aeon/Nyx pilot with Aeon
10/31/2011 - Eve Online Trading - 6 Replies
This character currently has just over 60mil SP and is valued (with the Aeon) at around 32bil.
I'd like at least $20/bil so let's call it $600.
The character comes with positive wallet, sec-status and has about 30 days left on Gametime.
Please PM me with offers, I can use eBay or just straight PayPal, whichever you prefer.
[V15]Aeon Flyff
04/17/2011 - Flyff PServer Advertising - 26 Replies
http://aeonflyff.de/include/designs/tsc_panda/imag es/header.jpg
Der Server
Im Moment läuft der AeonFlyff Server mit den offiziellen V15 Files. Zu gegebener Zeit wird eine Umstellung zu V17 stattfinden.
Das gesamte Projekt wird auf einem ROOT geführt.
(AMD Opteron 275, 4 GB Ram)
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Spielvorstellung: Digimon Aeon
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Digimon Aeon - Das andere RPG!
02/12/2011 - General Gaming Discussion - 0 Replies
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AEON Epic Wars 2 en un servidor que ha empezado desde el 9 de febrero.
Estos son las caracteristicas de AEON EW2:
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02/12/2011 - General Gaming Discussion - 0 Replies
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http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/3237/logoaeon. png
AEON Epic Wars 2 en un servidor que ha empezado desde el 9 de febrero.
Estos son las caracteristicas de AEON EW2:
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