Black Talon | 10 - 13 | Korriban to Dromund Kaas
Boarding Party | 31 - 35 | Alderaan to Taris
The Foundry | 34 - 39 | Taris to Quesh
Esseles | 10 - 13 | Coruscant
Taral V | 31 - 35 | Alderaan to Balmorra
Maelstrom Prison | 34 - 39 | Balmorra to Quesh
Hammer Station | 15 - 21 | DK/Coruscant to Balmorra/Taris
Athiss | 23 -27 | Balmorra/Taris to Nar Shaddaa
Mandalorian Raiders | 24 -28 | Nar Shaddaa to Tatooine
Cademinu | 26 - 30 | Tatooine to Alderaan
The Colicoid War Game | 38 - 43 | Hoth to Belsavis
Red Reaper| 44 - 50 | Belsavis to Voss
Directive 7 | 50 (Endgame) | Voss to Corellia
The Battle of Ilum: The False Emperor | 50 (Endgame) | Corellia +
Black Talon | 10 - 13 | Korriban to Dromund Kaas
Boarding Party | 31 - 35 | Alderaan to Taris
The Foundry | 34 - 39 | Taris to Quesh
Esseles | 10 - 13 | Coruscant
Taral V | 31 - 35 | Alderaan to Balmorra
Maelstrom Prison | 34 - 39 | Balmorra to Quesh
Hammer Station | 15 - 21 | DK/Coruscant to Balmorra/Taris
Athiss | 23 -27 | Balmorra/Taris to Nar Shaddaa
Mandalorian Raiders | 24 -28 | Nar Shaddaa to Tatooine
Cademinu | 26 - 30 | Tatooine to Alderaan
The Colicoid War Game | 38 - 43 | Hoth to Belsavis
Red Reaper| 44 - 50 | Belsavis to Voss
Directive 7 | 50 (Endgame) | Voss to Corellia
The Battle of Ilum: The False Emperor | 50 (Endgame) | Corellia +