I would like to announce the BETA opening of [Beta-Max] Astro Server, We are here for the community not for competition. We don't care if we are #1 or #1001.
The BETA will last one week, to find any small bugs that may still exist. During this time users will receive 5000 Wonga as soon as you register this is part of the BETA test. Also users will be rewarded for helping when we go live, Which you can find more information on this at the forum.
Please be aware after the BETA ends and we go LIVE, All characters will be wiped, but as I have already said we have a loyalty bonus for helping during the BETA stage, of which you can find more information on the forum.
During the BETA there will be the following rates:
- Experience Ratio: 500x
- Skill Experience Ratio: 500x
- Party Experience Ratio: 520x
- Drop Ratio: 150x
- Gold Drop Ratio: 200x
Here is some detailed information on the server, as we have stated already we are here for the community, we ask users to vote on which rates they would like the server to be once we go live, You can vote
We would also like users to post their ideas with a poll on anything they would like to see in the server at a later date.
Server Details:
- Level Cap: 120
- Skill Cap: 120
- Chinese Mastery Cap: 360
- European Mastery Cap: 240
- Item Degree: 13th Degree
- Active Areas: All (Including Jupiter)
- Monsters: Level 1~120
- Server Capacity: 1500
- 13th degree rare items drop from monsters. Just like all other degrees.
Server Rates:
- Experience Ratio: To be announced. Please vote
- Skill Experience Ratio: To be announced. Please vote
- Party Experience Ratio: To be announced. Please post
- Drop Ratio: To be announced. Please post
- Gold Drop Ratio: To be announced. Please post
Server Instances & Events.
- Forgotten World.
- Winter Snow Event.
- Battle Arena.
- Jangan Fortress: Monday/Wednesday/Sunday at 14:00 GMT.
- Bandit Fortress: Monday/Wednesday/Sunday at 14:00 GMT.
- Hotan Fortress: Monday/Wednesday/Sunday at 14:00 GMT.
- Capture the flag: Every hour of every day.
- Roc Unique: Friday/Saturday/Sunday at 19:00 GMT.
- Unique Spawn Event: Once per day.
Custom Content.
- Kill Players in PvP Job Area (60-80).
- Kill 100 Players of the opposing Job Lv 60+ inside the PvP Job Area.
- Kill Players in PvP Job Area (81-101).
- Kill 200 Players of the opposing Job Lv 81+ inside the PvP Job Area.
- Kill Players in PvP Job Area (102-120).
- Kill 400 Players of the opposing Job Lv 102+ inside the PvP Job Area.
- Jewel Box Event.
- Collect BETA word Event.
- Collect MAX word Event.
- Fellow Pets
- Fellow Pets have 3 unique skills. Lv1 , Lv20 , Lv 50.
- Jupiter unique rooms
- The Earth's Room.
- Yuno's Room.
- Jupiter's Room.
- Baal's Room. (3 Unique spawns)
- [GM]B_M_Master
- [GM]Mayfair
- [GM]3etaMan
Server Developer(s)
- evestu - Founder of Beta-Max emu and ex Core Developer of SRX
- Mayfair
Finally here are some screen shots of our Custom Content.