Giwe me plz link for shadows emu
The Sea shadow is a very rare emulator, and takes a life to find out xD
I have it but i dont find it, was a guy here that give it to me.
I give you it in a attach.
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csremu is one of the best, in my opinion, but at now, sea emu-shadow sea are the only ones that doesnt crash everytime you do something, the only problem is that is a crappy coded emu
the other ones, are the base of all other emus
No.. the problem of sea emu is that is fking stupid emulator, whats the creators idea to make a nice emulator that is very stable and have all and dont have normal attacks??
If sea has normal attack and trade it will be a nice emulator for make private servers for friends..
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What about that emu from tonysoft?
This one seems pretty advanced.
However,correct me if that's shadow-emu.
New emu! cool, anyone "crack" it since its not public....?
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Well, someone knows why "/buysp" and "/buysilk" doesnt work on sea shadow? ... they say that works and then.. it fails..
See my crap server "mini"-trailer made with sea shadow (only works the fking normal attack --')
(Sorry for the bad quality and the small screen, my friend dunno how to make that bigger..)
PS: I use CSREMU a time but now it give me a report error and say me to send report... i do all right like the video...and it give me that error..
if anyone know.. say me