Fantasy & Pegasus (Cap 110 / 80) With BlackRogue Files 02/09/2012 - SRO PServer Advertising - 263 Replies Hello, Nice to see you guys from epvp*
I'm here to announce the new server Pegasus (Fantasy is a old server...) the most awesome cap 80 server...
HomePage: PegasusRO
Register: PegasusRO
Error BlackRogue Files Help Pls. 01/05/2012 - SRO Private Server - 1 Repliesı ;z.png
Help pls i cant use that S: 5;z.png
Help For BlackRogue Files 01/04/2012 - SRO Private Server - 11 Replies
İ Found Client But What The F*ck Help me pls .s
Help For BlackRogue Files 01/04/2012 - SRO Private Server - 0 Replies i opened server correctly. but i cant join game because i can't patch Plasma Server Media.pk2 i need patcher or Loader For BlackRogue help me pls -.-"
Pegasus SRO Cap 80 With BlackRogue Files!!! 12/10/2011 - SRO Private Server - 3 Replies Hello dear users from epvp*,
I'm here to announce the new server based in BR files, if you want to check this new server go there : tising/1590850-fantasy-pegasus-cap-110-80-blackrog ue-files.html
and yes its true!