Here is one of the best spam bots and unique map different than others(you dont need to look at a picture then at the sro map and asking your self ,where the fuck is the unique?)

There are many versions of the tool so ill just upload the last one.
And here we go...
spam bot v2.2
+ spam up to 100 different messages with different spam times + random, ordered spam + define a random spam time (left box is the minimum time of the spam right is the maximum, if you set both to equal it won't randomize of course) + it will save all of your added spams in an ini file + you can add unique spam interval for each text + you can spam any text from a txt file which you have to name myspam.txt and place it the scripts directory + have up to 100 different timers at the same time :p (interval is :hour:minute) + warning times for unique timers [you can add a time (which has to be smaller than the real time of the unique appeareance) when you need to be warned, so you can get prepared before the unique comes].If you don't need any warning set the hour and minute to 0! + warning methods: sound file [play a sound when the unique comes(sound file included but you can add yours by naming it mysound.wav)] and msgbox (pops up a message box when the unique should come) + if you for example load the tool after 1 week from its last use it will calculate the estimated time of the uniques next appeareance (old type stands for this, it means that it will use the last weaks datas to estimate the arrival) + a tooltip will display all of the times (you can position this by adding x and y coordinates of your desktop) +Joke spammer (quite buggy at the moment) +fixed unshowing characters in spaming +included the source code, so you can check that the program only downloads jokes from the internet if you use joke spammer (else it doesn't need any internet)
+ this is an ingame texture modifier which will add the unique spawn points on your ingame map!
+ how to install:
- make a backup copy from your .pk2 files in your silkroad directory - extract the rar file somewhere - if the directory for your silkroad is different than the one in the ini file, change it - now drag and drop the unique.txt file on the batch.exe file (if the installation was successfull you will get a confirmation message) If it wasn't you can try reinstalling your silkroad and try again if you want to make it work so badly - a backup.txt file is created in case you want to restore the original map (you have to drag and drop this also) - enjoy
I can guarantee that they are both clean
If you have any questions ,ask here ill try to help

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