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Multiclient Trainshow

Discussion on Multiclient Trainshow within the SRO Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits forum part of the Silkroad Online category.

Old 11/29/2008, 16:38   #16
lolkop's Avatar
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i'll add autoupdate

found the adress that changes if the dc box appears so i've changed the code to show Disconnected if you dc
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Old 12/02/2008, 06:24   #17
manofsro's Avatar
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soo great thnak you soo much
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Old 12/18/2008, 04:30   #18
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umm i was traying to find some file to help you so i found this

Originally Posted by _ProcessGetPath
; #FUNCTION# ================================================== =============================
; Name...........: _ProcessGetPath(
; Description ...: Retrieves a process file path
; Syntax.........: _ProcessGetPath($vProcess)
; Parameters ....: $vProcess - PID or name of a process
; Requirements...: kernel32.dll, psapi.dll
; Return values .: Success - A full process path
; @error = 0
; Failure - Empty string
; @error = 1 - Invalid process name/PID
; @error = 2 - kernel32.dll failed to open (wrong version?)
; @error = 3 - Could not OpenProcess
; @error = 4 - psapi.dll failed to open (doesn't exist?)
; @error = 5 - returned path is empty or invalid
; Author ........: JScript, Larry, SmOke_N
; Modified.......: mrRevoked - reformated, error checking
; Remarks .......:
; Related .......:
; Link ..........;
; Example .......;
; ================================================== ==========================================
Func _ProcessGetPath($vProcess)
Local $i_PID, $hKernel32, $hPsapi, $aProcessHandle, $tDLLStruct, $iError, $sProcessPath

$i_PID = ProcessExists($vProcess)

If Not $i_PID Then Return SetError(1, 0, "");process doesn't exist?

$hKernel32 = DllOpen("Kernel32.dll")
$iError = @error
If $iError Then
Return SetError(2, $iError, ""); dllopen kernell32.dll failed

$aProcessHandle = DllCall($hKernel32, "int", "OpenProcess", "int", 0x0400 + 0x0010, "int", 0, "int", $i_PID)
$iError = @error
If $iError Or $aProcessHandle[0] = 0 Then
Return SetError(2, $iError, "");openprocess failed

$hPsapi = DllOpen("Psapi.dll")
$iError = @error
If $iError Then
Return SetError(3, $iError, ""); dllopen psapi.dll failed

$tDLLStruct = DllStructCreate("char[1000]")

DllCall($hPsapi, "long", "GetModuleFileNameEx", "int", $aProcessHandle[0], "int", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tDLLStruct), "long", DllStructGetSize($tDLLStruct))
$iError = @error

DllCall($hKernel32, "int", "CloseHandle", "int", $aProcessHandle[0])

If $iError Then
$tDLLStruct = 0
Return SetError(4, $iError, "");getmodulefilenamex failed

$sProcessPath = DllStructGetData($tDLLStruct, 1)
$tDLLStruct = 0

;format the output
If StringLen($sProcessPath) < 2 Then Return SetError(5, 0, "");is empty or non readable
If StringLeft($sProcessPath, 4) = "\??\" Then $sProcessPath = StringReplace($sProcessPath, "\??\", "")
If StringLeft($sProcessPath, 20) = "\SystemRoot\System32" Then $sProcessPath = StringReplace($sProcessPath, "\SystemRoot\System32", @SystemDir)

Return SetError(0, 0, $sProcessPath)
so when you open the statusbar will search the SRO_CLIENT and analysate it as you better know

also you should save that info ( Offsets and file time) in registry so can be read by all the programs that you made since i found very usefull ^^
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Old 12/26/2008, 02:25   #19
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doesnt work for me

will there be update?
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Old 12/26/2008, 12:13   #20

lolrko's Avatar
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great tool , u have my thank. ..
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Old 12/27/2008, 04:07   #21
Low_Riders's Avatar
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how u get it to work ?
for me it doesnt even appear o.o
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Old 12/27/2008, 08:27   #22
lolkop's Avatar
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offsets need to be updated won't work for now
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Old 12/27/2008, 18:11   #23
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Originally Posted by lolkop View Post
offsets need to be updated won't work for now
i love ur product, i'd updated to save u some time but still needed to update the XY
Global $base = 0xD1564C
Global $xRegionOffset = 0x7C
Global $yRegionOffset1 = 0x7C
Global $yRegionOffset2 = 0x08
Global $xPositionOffset = 0x78
Global $yPositionOffset = 0x78
Global $posDividerAddress = 0xBF95C0

Dim $old0, $old1, $old2, $old3, $old4, $old5, $old6, $old7, $old8, $clientold

$width = 680
GUICreate("", $width, 23, @DesktopWidth / 2 - $width / 2, 0, 0x80000000, 0x88)
$charlist = GUICtrlCreateList("", 520, 4, 70, 20, 0x3, 0x80)
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0)
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF)
$hpbar = GUICtrlCreateProgress(10, 0, 130, 20, 1)
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, -2)
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xE14848)
$mpbar = GUICtrlCreateProgress(150, 0, 130, 20, 1)
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, -2)
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x4185C5)
$expbar = GUICtrlCreateProgress(290, 0, 130, 20, 1)
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, -2)
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x4A6B31)
$hp = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 10, 4, 130, 20, 1)
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, -2)
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF)
$mp = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 150, 4, 130, 20, 1)
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, -2)
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF)
$exp = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 290, 4, 130, 20, 1)
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, -2)
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF)
$pos = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 430, 4, 80, 20, 1)
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, -2)
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xAC00A9)
$exit = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Exit", 630, 4, 60, 20, 1)
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, -2)
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xEB0018)
$hide = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Hide", 590, 4, 60, 20, 1)
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, -2)
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x30FF05)
$sp = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 670, 4, 60, 20, 1)
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, -2)
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFCF08)

	$client = WinList("[CLASS:CLIENT]")
	If $client[0][0] = 0 Then
		MsgBox(16, "Error", "No Clients Detected")
	If $client[0][0] <> $clientold Then
		GUICtrlSetData($charlist, "")
		For $i = 1 To $client[0][0]
			$pid = WinGetProcess($client[$i][1])
			$mid = _MemoryOpen($pid)
			If _MemoryRead(0xD13F08, $mid, "wchar[12]") <> "" Then
				GUICtrlSetData($charlist, _MemoryRead(0xD13F08, $mid, "wchar[12]"))
	$msg = GUIGetMsg()
	$mid = _MemoryOpen(GetClient(GUICtrlRead($charlist)))
	If $old1 <> _ReadDynamic($base, 0x458, $mid) Or $old2 <> _ReadDynamic($base, 0x450, $mid) Then
		GUICtrlSetData($hpbar, Round(_ReadDynamic($base, 0x458, $mid) / _ReadDynamic($base, 0x450, $mid) * 100, 2))
		GUICtrlSetData($hp, _ReadDynamic($base, 0x458, $mid) & "/" & _ReadDynamic($base, 0x450, $mid) & " (" & Round(_ReadDynamic($base, 0x458, $mid) / _ReadDynamic($base, 0x450, $mid) * 100, 2) & "%)")
	If $old3 <> _ReadDynamic($base, 0x44C, $mid) Or $old4 <> _ReadDynamic($base, 0x454, $mid) Then
		GUICtrlSetData($mpbar, Round(_ReadDynamic($base, 0x44C, $mid) / _ReadDynamic($base, 0x454, $mid) * 100, 2))
		GUICtrlSetData($mp, _ReadDynamic($base, 0x44C, $mid) & "/" & _ReadDynamic($base, 0x454, $mid) & " (" & Round(_ReadDynamic($base, 0x44C, $mid) / _ReadDynamic($base, 0x454, $mid) * 100, 2) & "%)")
	If $old5 <> _ReadDynamic($base, 0x840, $mid) Or $old6 <> _ReadDynamic($base, 0x838, $mid) Then
		GUICtrlSetData($expbar, Round(_ReadDynamic($base, 0x840, $mid) / LvLExp(_ReadDynamic($base, 0x838, $mid, "byte")) * 100, 2))
		GUICtrlSetData($exp, _ReadDynamic($base, 0x840, $mid) & " (" & Round(_ReadDynamic($base, 0x840, $mid) / LvLExp(_ReadDynamic($base, 0x838, $mid, "byte")) * 100, 2) & "%)")
	If $old7 <> GetPlayerX($mid) Or $old8 <> GetPlayerY($mid) Then
		GUICtrlSetData($pos, GetPos(GetPlayerX($mid), GetPlayerY($mid)))
	$old1 = _ReadDynamic($base, 0x458, $mid) ;------Current HP
	$old2 = _ReadDynamic($base, 0x450, $mid) ;------Max HP
	$old3 = _ReadDynamic($base, 0x44C, $mid) ;------Current MP
	$old4 = _ReadDynamic($base, 0x454, $mid) ;------Max MP
	$old5 = _ReadDynamic($base, 0x840, $mid) ;------Current EXP
	$old6 = _ReadDynamic($base, 0x838, $mid) ;------Current Lvl
	$old7 = GetPlayerX($mid)
	$old8 = GetPlayerY($mid)
	$wHnd = GetClient(GUICtrlRead($charlist), 2)
	If BitAND(WinGetState($wHnd), 2) Then
		If GUICtrlRead($hide) <> "Hide"  Then
			GUICtrlSetData($hide, "Hide")
		If GUICtrlRead($hide) <> "Show"  Then
			GUICtrlSetData($hide, "Show")
	If $msg = $hide Then
		$wHnd = GetClient(GUICtrlRead($charlist), 2)
		If BitAND(WinGetState($wHnd), 2) Then
			WinSetState($wHnd, "", @SW_MINIMIZE)
			WinSetState($wHnd, "", @SW_HIDE)
			WinSetState($wHnd, "", @SW_SHOW)
			WinSetState($wHnd, "", @SW_MAXIMIZE)
	$clientold = $client[0][0]
Until $msg = $exit

Func GetClient($char, $type = 1)
	$client = WinList("[CLASS:CLIENT]")
	For $i = 1 To $client[0][0]
		$pid = WinGetProcess($client[$i][1])
		$mid = _MemoryOpen($pid)
		If _MemoryRead(0xD13F08, $mid, "wchar[12]") = $char Then
			If $type = 1 Then
				Return $pid
			ElseIf $type = 2 Then
				Return $client[$i][1]
EndFunc   ;==>GetClient

Func LvLExp($lvl)
	If $lvl = 1 Then
		Return 118
	ElseIf $lvl = 2 Then
		Return 470
	ElseIf $lvl = 3 Then
		Return 1058
	ElseIf $lvl = 4 Then
		Return 1880
	ElseIf $lvl = 5 Then
		Return 2938
	ElseIf $lvl = 6 Then
		Return 5640
	ElseIf $lvl = 7 Then
		Return 9048
	ElseIf $lvl = 8 Then
		Return 13160
	ElseIf $lvl = 9 Then
		Return 17978
	ElseIf $lvl = 10 Then
		Return 23500
	ElseIf $lvl = 11 Then
		Return 34898
	ElseIf $lvl = 12 Then
		Return 47940
	ElseIf $lvl = 13 Then
		Return 62628
	ElseIf $lvl = 14 Then
		Return 78960
	ElseIf $lvl = 15 Then
		Return 96938
	ElseIf $lvl = 16 Then
		Return 127840
	ElseIf $lvl = 17 Then
		Return 161798
	ElseIf $lvl = 18 Then
		Return 198810
	ElseIf $lvl = 19 Then
		Return 238878
	ElseIf $lvl = 20 Then
		Return 282000
	ElseIf $lvl = 21 Then
		Return 351231
	ElseIf $lvl = 22 Then
		Return 427755
	ElseIf $lvl = 23 Then
		Return 512196
	ElseIf $lvl = 24 Then
		Return 605232
	ElseIf $lvl = 25 Then
		Return 707587
	ElseIf $lvl = 26 Then
		Return 820046
	ElseIf $lvl = 27 Then
		Return 943453
	ElseIf $lvl = 28 Then
		Return 1078717
	ElseIf $lvl = 29 Then
		Return 1226815
	ElseIf $lvl = 30 Then
		Return 1388803
	ElseIf $lvl = 31 Then
		Return 1595229
	ElseIf $lvl = 32 Then
		Return 1818827
	ElseIf $lvl = 33 Then
		Return 2060796
	ElseIf $lvl = 34 Then
		Return 2322414
	ElseIf $lvl = 35 Then
		Return 2605043
	ElseIf $lvl = 36 Then
		Return 2910129
	ElseIf $lvl = 37 Then
		Return 3239210
	ElseIf $lvl = 38 Then
		Return 3593924
	ElseIf $lvl = 39 Then
		Return 3976012
	ElseIf $lvl = 40 Then
		Return 4387323
	ElseIf $lvl = 41 Then
		Return 4869381
	ElseIf $lvl = 42 Then
		Return 5382982
	ElseIf $lvl = 43 Then
		Return 5929882
	ElseIf $lvl = 44 Then
		Return 6511920
	ElseIf $lvl = 45 Then
		Return 7131034
	ElseIf $lvl = 46 Then
		Return 7789258
	ElseIf $lvl = 47 Then
		Return 8488730
	ElseIf $lvl = 48 Then
		Return 9231697
	ElseIf $lvl = 49 Then
		Return 10020519
	ElseIf $lvl = 50 Then
		Return 10857676
	ElseIf $lvl = 51 Then
		Return 11857343
	ElseIf $lvl = 52 Then
		Return 12913686
	ElseIf $lvl = 53 Then
		Return 14029449
	ElseIf $lvl = 54 Then
		Return 15207495
	ElseIf $lvl = 55 Then
		Return 16450818
	ElseIf $lvl = 56 Then
		Return 17762545
	ElseIf $lvl = 57 Then
		Return 19145941
	ElseIf $lvl = 58 Then
		Return 20604414
	ElseIf $lvl = 59 Then
		Return 22141527
	ElseIf $lvl = 60 Then
		Return 23760997
	ElseIf $lvl = 61 Then
		Return 25933410
	ElseIf $lvl = 62 Then
		Return 28214785
	ElseIf $lvl = 63 Then
		Return 30609702
	ElseIf $lvl = 64 Then
		Return 39747505
	ElseIf $lvl = 65 Then
		Return 51493509
	ElseIf $lvl = 66 Then
		Return 55474876
	ElseIf $lvl = 67 Then
		Return 59648780
	ElseIf $lvl = 68 Then
		Return 64023195
	ElseIf $lvl = 69 Then
		Return 68606389
	ElseIf $lvl = 70 Then
		Return 73406955
	ElseIf $lvl = 71 Then
		Return 79345238
	ElseIf $lvl = 72 Then
		Return 85573753
	ElseIf $lvl = 73 Then
		Return 92104572
	ElseIf $lvl = 74 Then
		Return 98950215
	ElseIf $lvl = 75 Then
		Return 106123703
	ElseIf $lvl = 76 Then
		Return 113638552
	ElseIf $lvl = 77 Then
		Return 121508783
	ElseIf $lvl = 78 Then
		Return 129748946
	ElseIf $lvl = 79 Then
		Return 138374168
	ElseIf $lvl = 80 Then
		Return 147400127
	ElseIf $lvl = 81 Then
		Return 158227752
	ElseIf $lvl = 82 Then
		Return 169572387
	ElseIf $lvl = 83 Then
		Return 181455292
	ElseIf $lvl = 84 Then
		Return 193898546
	ElseIf $lvl = 85 Then
		Return 206925087
	ElseIf $lvl = 86 Then
		Return 220558723
	ElseIf $lvl = 87 Then
		Return 234824141
	ElseIf $lvl = 88 Then
		Return 249746989
	ElseIf $lvl = 89 Then
		Return 265353867
	ElseIf $lvl = 90 Then
		Return 281672373
	ElseIf $lvl = 91 Then
		Return 305888332
	ElseIf $lvl = 92 Then
		Return 331303748
	ElseIf $lvl = 93 Then
		Return 357968787
	ElseIf $lvl = 94 Then
		Return 385935560
	ElseIf $lvl = 95 Then
		Return 415258156
	ElseIf $lvl = 96 Then
		Return 445992756
	ElseIf $lvl = 97 Then
		Return 478197705
	ElseIf $lvl = 98 Then
		Return 511933580
	ElseIf $lvl = 99 Then
		Return 547263228
	ElseIf $lvl = 100 Then
		Return 584251898
EndFunc   ;==>LvLExp

Func GetPlayerX($mid)
	$xRegionFloatAdd = _MemoryRead($base, $mid) + $xRegionOffset
	$xRegionFloat = _MemoryRead($xRegionFloatAdd, $mid, "float")
	$xDivider = _MemoryRead($posDividerAddress, $mid, "double")
	$xRegionFloat /= $xDivider
	$xPositionIntAdd = _MemoryRead($base, $mid) + $xPositionOffset
	$xPositionInt = _MemoryRead($xPositionIntAdd, $mid, "short")
	$xPositionInt = BitAND($xPositionInt, 0xFF)
	$xRegionBase = $xPositionInt + ($xPositionInt * 2) - 0x195
	$xRegionBase = BitShift($xRegionBase, -0x6)
	$xPosition = $xRegionBase - Int($xRegionFloat)
	Return $xPosition
EndFunc   ;==>GetPlayerX

Func GetPlayerY($mid)
	$yRegionFloatAdd = _MemoryRead($base, $mid) + $yRegionOffset1 + $yRegionOffset2
	$yRegionFloat = _MemoryRead($yRegionFloatAdd, $mid, "float")
	$yDivider = _MemoryRead($posDividerAddress, $mid, "double")
	$yRegionFloat /= $yDivider
	$yPositionIntAdd = _MemoryRead($base, $mid) + $yPositionOffset
	$yPositionInt = _MemoryRead($yPositionIntAdd, $mid, "short")
	$yPositionInt = BitShift($yPositionInt, 0x8)
	$yRegionBase = $yPositionInt + ($yPositionInt * 2) - 0x114
	$yRegionBase = BitShift($yRegionBase, -0x6)
	$yPosition = $yRegionBase - Int($yRegionFloat)
	Return $yPosition
EndFunc   ;==>GetPlayerY

Func GetPos($xpos, $ypos)
	If CheckConnect(GetClient(GUICtrlRead($charlist))) = 1 Then
		Return "(Diconnected)"
	ElseIf $xpos > -193 And $xpos < 385 And $ypos > -193 And $ypos < 574 Then
		If $ypos < 0 And $xpos < 0 Then
			Return "(" & $xpos & ", " & $ypos & ")" 
		ElseIf $ypos > 191 And $xpos < 0 Then
			Return "(" & $xpos & ", " & $ypos & ")" 
			Return "(Hotan)" 
	ElseIf $xpos > 3263 And $xpos < 3648 And $ypos > 1919 And $ypos < 2304 Then
		Return "(Donwhang)" 
	ElseIf $xpos > 6143 And $xpos < 6720 And $ypos > 959 And $ypos < 1344 Then
		Return "(Jangan)" 
	ElseIf $xpos > -5377 And $xpos < -4992 And $ypos > 2687 And $ypos < 3072 Then
		Return "(Samarkand)" 
	ElseIf $xpos > -11137 And $xpos < -10190 And $ypos > 2125 And $ypos < 3072 Then
		Return "(Constantinople)" 
	ElseIf $xpos > -25651 And $xpos < -25609 And $ypos > -42347 And $ypos < -42305 Then
		Return "(Cave Entrance)" 
		Return "(" & $xpos & ", " & $ypos & ")" 
EndFunc   ;==>GetPos

#Region Memory
Func _ReadDynamic($pointer, $offset, $mid, $type = "dword")
	$newadress = _MemoryRead($pointer, $mid) + $offset
	$result = _MemoryRead($newadress, $mid, $type)
	Return $result
EndFunc   ;==>_ReadDynamic

Func _MemoryOpen($iv_Pid, $iv_DesiredAccess = 0x1F0FFF, $if_InheritHandle = 1)
	Local $ah_Handle[2] = [DllOpen('kernel32.dll') ]
	Local $av_OpenProcess = DllCall($ah_Handle[0], 'int', 'OpenProcess', 'int', $iv_DesiredAccess, 'int', $if_InheritHandle, 'int', $iv_Pid)
	$ah_Handle[1] = $av_OpenProcess[0]
	Return $ah_Handle
EndFunc   ;==>_MemoryOpen

Func _MemoryRead($iv_Address, $ah_Handle, $sv_Type = 'dword')
	Local $v_Buffer = DllStructCreate($sv_Type)
	DllCall($ah_Handle[0], 'int', 'ReadProcessMemory', 'int', $ah_Handle[1], 'int', $iv_Address, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($v_Buffer), 'int', DllStructGetSize($v_Buffer), 'int', '')
	Local $v_Value = DllStructGetData($v_Buffer, 1)
	Return $v_Value
EndFunc   ;==>_MemoryRead

Func _MemoryClose($ah_Handle)
	DllCall($ah_Handle[0], 'int', 'CloseHandle', 'int', $ah_Handle[1])
	Return 1
EndFunc   ;==>_MemoryClose

Func XpSyleToggle($onoff = 1)
	Local $xs_n
	If Not StringInStr(@OSTYPE, "WIN32_NT") Then Return 0
	If $onoff Then
		$xs_n = DllCall("uxtheme.dll", "int", "GetThemeAppProperties")
		DllCall("uxtheme.dll", "none", "SetThemeAppProperties", "int", 0)
		Return 1
	ElseIf IsArray($xs_n) Then
		DllCall("uxtheme.dll", "none", "SetThemeAppProperties", "int", $xs_n[0])
		$xs_n = ""
		Return 1
	Return 0
EndFunc   ;==>XpSyleToggle

Func CheckConnect($pid)
	$mid = _MemoryOpen($pid)
	Return _MemoryRead(0xCCFB08, $mid)
Edit: Dont thx me i deserve no credit, thx lolkop
krayzie is offline  
Old 12/27/2008, 18:47   #24
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 47
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Originally Posted by krayzie View Post
i love ur product, i'd updated to save u some time but still needed to update the XY
Global $base = 0xD1564C
Global $xRegionOffset = 0x7C
Global $yRegionOffset1 = 0x7C
Global $yRegionOffset2 = 0x08
Global $xPositionOffset = 0x78
Global $yPositionOffset = 0x78
Global $posDividerAddress = 0xBF95C0

Dim $old0, $old1, $old2, $old3, $old4, $old5, $old6, $old7, $old8, $clientold

$width = 680
GUICreate("", $width, 23, @DesktopWidth / 2 - $width / 2, 0, 0x80000000, 0x88)
$charlist = GUICtrlCreateList("", 520, 4, 70, 20, 0x3, 0x80)
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0)
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF)
$hpbar = GUICtrlCreateProgress(10, 0, 130, 20, 1)
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, -2)
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xE14848)
$mpbar = GUICtrlCreateProgress(150, 0, 130, 20, 1)
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, -2)
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x4185C5)
$expbar = GUICtrlCreateProgress(290, 0, 130, 20, 1)
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, -2)
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x4A6B31)
$hp = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 10, 4, 130, 20, 1)
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, -2)
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF)
$mp = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 150, 4, 130, 20, 1)
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, -2)
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF)
$exp = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 290, 4, 130, 20, 1)
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, -2)
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF)
$pos = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 430, 4, 80, 20, 1)
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, -2)
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xAC00A9)
$exit = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Exit", 630, 4, 60, 20, 1)
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, -2)
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xEB0018)
$hide = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Hide", 590, 4, 60, 20, 1)
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, -2)
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x30FF05)
$sp = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 670, 4, 60, 20, 1)
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, -2)
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFCF08)

	$client = WinList("[CLASS:CLIENT]")
	If $client[0][0] = 0 Then
		MsgBox(16, "Error", "No Clients Detected")
	If $client[0][0] <> $clientold Then
		GUICtrlSetData($charlist, "")
		For $i = 1 To $client[0][0]
			$pid = WinGetProcess($client[$i][1])
			$mid = _MemoryOpen($pid)
			If _MemoryRead(0xD13F08, $mid, "wchar[12]") <> "" Then
				GUICtrlSetData($charlist, _MemoryRead(0xD13F08, $mid, "wchar[12]"))
	$msg = GUIGetMsg()
	$mid = _MemoryOpen(GetClient(GUICtrlRead($charlist)))
	If $old1 <> _ReadDynamic($base, 0x458, $mid) Or $old2 <> _ReadDynamic($base, 0x450, $mid) Then
		GUICtrlSetData($hpbar, Round(_ReadDynamic($base, 0x458, $mid) / _ReadDynamic($base, 0x450, $mid) * 100, 2))
		GUICtrlSetData($hp, _ReadDynamic($base, 0x458, $mid) & "/" & _ReadDynamic($base, 0x450, $mid) & " (" & Round(_ReadDynamic($base, 0x458, $mid) / _ReadDynamic($base, 0x450, $mid) * 100, 2) & "%)")
	If $old3 <> _ReadDynamic($base, 0x44C, $mid) Or $old4 <> _ReadDynamic($base, 0x454, $mid) Then
		GUICtrlSetData($mpbar, Round(_ReadDynamic($base, 0x44C, $mid) / _ReadDynamic($base, 0x454, $mid) * 100, 2))
		GUICtrlSetData($mp, _ReadDynamic($base, 0x44C, $mid) & "/" & _ReadDynamic($base, 0x454, $mid) & " (" & Round(_ReadDynamic($base, 0x44C, $mid) / _ReadDynamic($base, 0x454, $mid) * 100, 2) & "%)")
	If $old5 <> _ReadDynamic($base, 0x840, $mid) Or $old6 <> _ReadDynamic($base, 0x838, $mid) Then
		GUICtrlSetData($expbar, Round(_ReadDynamic($base, 0x840, $mid) / LvLExp(_ReadDynamic($base, 0x838, $mid, "byte")) * 100, 2))
		GUICtrlSetData($exp, _ReadDynamic($base, 0x840, $mid) & " (" & Round(_ReadDynamic($base, 0x840, $mid) / LvLExp(_ReadDynamic($base, 0x838, $mid, "byte")) * 100, 2) & "%)")
	If $old7 <> GetPlayerX($mid) Or $old8 <> GetPlayerY($mid) Then
		GUICtrlSetData($pos, GetPos(GetPlayerX($mid), GetPlayerY($mid)))
	$old1 = _ReadDynamic($base, 0x458, $mid) ;------Current HP
	$old2 = _ReadDynamic($base, 0x450, $mid) ;------Max HP
	$old3 = _ReadDynamic($base, 0x44C, $mid) ;------Current MP
	$old4 = _ReadDynamic($base, 0x454, $mid) ;------Max MP
	$old5 = _ReadDynamic($base, 0x840, $mid) ;------Current EXP
	$old6 = _ReadDynamic($base, 0x838, $mid) ;------Current Lvl
	$old7 = GetPlayerX($mid)
	$old8 = GetPlayerY($mid)
	$wHnd = GetClient(GUICtrlRead($charlist), 2)
	If BitAND(WinGetState($wHnd), 2) Then
		If GUICtrlRead($hide) <> "Hide"  Then
			GUICtrlSetData($hide, "Hide")
		If GUICtrlRead($hide) <> "Show"  Then
			GUICtrlSetData($hide, "Show")
	If $msg = $hide Then
		$wHnd = GetClient(GUICtrlRead($charlist), 2)
		If BitAND(WinGetState($wHnd), 2) Then
			WinSetState($wHnd, "", @SW_MINIMIZE)
			WinSetState($wHnd, "", @SW_HIDE)
			WinSetState($wHnd, "", @SW_SHOW)
			WinSetState($wHnd, "", @SW_MAXIMIZE)
	$clientold = $client[0][0]
Until $msg = $exit

Func GetClient($char, $type = 1)
	$client = WinList("[CLASS:CLIENT]")
	For $i = 1 To $client[0][0]
		$pid = WinGetProcess($client[$i][1])
		$mid = _MemoryOpen($pid)
		If _MemoryRead(0xD13F08, $mid, "wchar[12]") = $char Then
			If $type = 1 Then
				Return $pid
			ElseIf $type = 2 Then
				Return $client[$i][1]
EndFunc   ;==>GetClient

Func LvLExp($lvl)
	If $lvl = 1 Then
		Return 118
	ElseIf $lvl = 2 Then
		Return 470
	ElseIf $lvl = 3 Then
		Return 1058
	ElseIf $lvl = 4 Then
		Return 1880
	ElseIf $lvl = 5 Then
		Return 2938
	ElseIf $lvl = 6 Then
		Return 5640
	ElseIf $lvl = 7 Then
		Return 9048
	ElseIf $lvl = 8 Then
		Return 13160
	ElseIf $lvl = 9 Then
		Return 17978
	ElseIf $lvl = 10 Then
		Return 23500
	ElseIf $lvl = 11 Then
		Return 34898
	ElseIf $lvl = 12 Then
		Return 47940
	ElseIf $lvl = 13 Then
		Return 62628
	ElseIf $lvl = 14 Then
		Return 78960
	ElseIf $lvl = 15 Then
		Return 96938
	ElseIf $lvl = 16 Then
		Return 127840
	ElseIf $lvl = 17 Then
		Return 161798
	ElseIf $lvl = 18 Then
		Return 198810
	ElseIf $lvl = 19 Then
		Return 238878
	ElseIf $lvl = 20 Then
		Return 282000
	ElseIf $lvl = 21 Then
		Return 351231
	ElseIf $lvl = 22 Then
		Return 427755
	ElseIf $lvl = 23 Then
		Return 512196
	ElseIf $lvl = 24 Then
		Return 605232
	ElseIf $lvl = 25 Then
		Return 707587
	ElseIf $lvl = 26 Then
		Return 820046
	ElseIf $lvl = 27 Then
		Return 943453
	ElseIf $lvl = 28 Then
		Return 1078717
	ElseIf $lvl = 29 Then
		Return 1226815
	ElseIf $lvl = 30 Then
		Return 1388803
	ElseIf $lvl = 31 Then
		Return 1595229
	ElseIf $lvl = 32 Then
		Return 1818827
	ElseIf $lvl = 33 Then
		Return 2060796
	ElseIf $lvl = 34 Then
		Return 2322414
	ElseIf $lvl = 35 Then
		Return 2605043
	ElseIf $lvl = 36 Then
		Return 2910129
	ElseIf $lvl = 37 Then
		Return 3239210
	ElseIf $lvl = 38 Then
		Return 3593924
	ElseIf $lvl = 39 Then
		Return 3976012
	ElseIf $lvl = 40 Then
		Return 4387323
	ElseIf $lvl = 41 Then
		Return 4869381
	ElseIf $lvl = 42 Then
		Return 5382982
	ElseIf $lvl = 43 Then
		Return 5929882
	ElseIf $lvl = 44 Then
		Return 6511920
	ElseIf $lvl = 45 Then
		Return 7131034
	ElseIf $lvl = 46 Then
		Return 7789258
	ElseIf $lvl = 47 Then
		Return 8488730
	ElseIf $lvl = 48 Then
		Return 9231697
	ElseIf $lvl = 49 Then
		Return 10020519
	ElseIf $lvl = 50 Then
		Return 10857676
	ElseIf $lvl = 51 Then
		Return 11857343
	ElseIf $lvl = 52 Then
		Return 12913686
	ElseIf $lvl = 53 Then
		Return 14029449
	ElseIf $lvl = 54 Then
		Return 15207495
	ElseIf $lvl = 55 Then
		Return 16450818
	ElseIf $lvl = 56 Then
		Return 17762545
	ElseIf $lvl = 57 Then
		Return 19145941
	ElseIf $lvl = 58 Then
		Return 20604414
	ElseIf $lvl = 59 Then
		Return 22141527
	ElseIf $lvl = 60 Then
		Return 23760997
	ElseIf $lvl = 61 Then
		Return 25933410
	ElseIf $lvl = 62 Then
		Return 28214785
	ElseIf $lvl = 63 Then
		Return 30609702
	ElseIf $lvl = 64 Then
		Return 39747505
	ElseIf $lvl = 65 Then
		Return 51493509
	ElseIf $lvl = 66 Then
		Return 55474876
	ElseIf $lvl = 67 Then
		Return 59648780
	ElseIf $lvl = 68 Then
		Return 64023195
	ElseIf $lvl = 69 Then
		Return 68606389
	ElseIf $lvl = 70 Then
		Return 73406955
	ElseIf $lvl = 71 Then
		Return 79345238
	ElseIf $lvl = 72 Then
		Return 85573753
	ElseIf $lvl = 73 Then
		Return 92104572
	ElseIf $lvl = 74 Then
		Return 98950215
	ElseIf $lvl = 75 Then
		Return 106123703
	ElseIf $lvl = 76 Then
		Return 113638552
	ElseIf $lvl = 77 Then
		Return 121508783
	ElseIf $lvl = 78 Then
		Return 129748946
	ElseIf $lvl = 79 Then
		Return 138374168
	ElseIf $lvl = 80 Then
		Return 147400127
	ElseIf $lvl = 81 Then
		Return 158227752
	ElseIf $lvl = 82 Then
		Return 169572387
	ElseIf $lvl = 83 Then
		Return 181455292
	ElseIf $lvl = 84 Then
		Return 193898546
	ElseIf $lvl = 85 Then
		Return 206925087
	ElseIf $lvl = 86 Then
		Return 220558723
	ElseIf $lvl = 87 Then
		Return 234824141
	ElseIf $lvl = 88 Then
		Return 249746989
	ElseIf $lvl = 89 Then
		Return 265353867
	ElseIf $lvl = 90 Then
		Return 281672373
	ElseIf $lvl = 91 Then
		Return 305888332
	ElseIf $lvl = 92 Then
		Return 331303748
	ElseIf $lvl = 93 Then
		Return 357968787
	ElseIf $lvl = 94 Then
		Return 385935560
	ElseIf $lvl = 95 Then
		Return 415258156
	ElseIf $lvl = 96 Then
		Return 445992756
	ElseIf $lvl = 97 Then
		Return 478197705
	ElseIf $lvl = 98 Then
		Return 511933580
	ElseIf $lvl = 99 Then
		Return 547263228
	ElseIf $lvl = 100 Then
		Return 584251898
EndFunc   ;==>LvLExp

Func GetPlayerX($mid)
	$xRegionFloatAdd = _MemoryRead($base, $mid) + $xRegionOffset
	$xRegionFloat = _MemoryRead($xRegionFloatAdd, $mid, "float")
	$xDivider = _MemoryRead($posDividerAddress, $mid, "double")
	$xRegionFloat /= $xDivider
	$xPositionIntAdd = _MemoryRead($base, $mid) + $xPositionOffset
	$xPositionInt = _MemoryRead($xPositionIntAdd, $mid, "short")
	$xPositionInt = BitAND($xPositionInt, 0xFF)
	$xRegionBase = $xPositionInt + ($xPositionInt * 2) - 0x195
	$xRegionBase = BitShift($xRegionBase, -0x6)
	$xPosition = $xRegionBase - Int($xRegionFloat)
	Return $xPosition
EndFunc   ;==>GetPlayerX

Func GetPlayerY($mid)
	$yRegionFloatAdd = _MemoryRead($base, $mid) + $yRegionOffset1 + $yRegionOffset2
	$yRegionFloat = _MemoryRead($yRegionFloatAdd, $mid, "float")
	$yDivider = _MemoryRead($posDividerAddress, $mid, "double")
	$yRegionFloat /= $yDivider
	$yPositionIntAdd = _MemoryRead($base, $mid) + $yPositionOffset
	$yPositionInt = _MemoryRead($yPositionIntAdd, $mid, "short")
	$yPositionInt = BitShift($yPositionInt, 0x8)
	$yRegionBase = $yPositionInt + ($yPositionInt * 2) - 0x114
	$yRegionBase = BitShift($yRegionBase, -0x6)
	$yPosition = $yRegionBase - Int($yRegionFloat)
	Return $yPosition
EndFunc   ;==>GetPlayerY

Func GetPos($xpos, $ypos)
	If CheckConnect(GetClient(GUICtrlRead($charlist))) = 1 Then
		Return "(Diconnected)"
	ElseIf $xpos > -193 And $xpos < 385 And $ypos > -193 And $ypos < 574 Then
		If $ypos < 0 And $xpos < 0 Then
			Return "(" & $xpos & ", " & $ypos & ")" 
		ElseIf $ypos > 191 And $xpos < 0 Then
			Return "(" & $xpos & ", " & $ypos & ")" 
			Return "(Hotan)" 
	ElseIf $xpos > 3263 And $xpos < 3648 And $ypos > 1919 And $ypos < 2304 Then
		Return "(Donwhang)" 
	ElseIf $xpos > 6143 And $xpos < 6720 And $ypos > 959 And $ypos < 1344 Then
		Return "(Jangan)" 
	ElseIf $xpos > -5377 And $xpos < -4992 And $ypos > 2687 And $ypos < 3072 Then
		Return "(Samarkand)" 
	ElseIf $xpos > -11137 And $xpos < -10190 And $ypos > 2125 And $ypos < 3072 Then
		Return "(Constantinople)" 
	ElseIf $xpos > -25651 And $xpos < -25609 And $ypos > -42347 And $ypos < -42305 Then
		Return "(Cave Entrance)" 
		Return "(" & $xpos & ", " & $ypos & ")" 
EndFunc   ;==>GetPos

#Region Memory
Func _ReadDynamic($pointer, $offset, $mid, $type = "dword")
	$newadress = _MemoryRead($pointer, $mid) + $offset
	$result = _MemoryRead($newadress, $mid, $type)
	Return $result
EndFunc   ;==>_ReadDynamic

Func _MemoryOpen($iv_Pid, $iv_DesiredAccess = 0x1F0FFF, $if_InheritHandle = 1)
	Local $ah_Handle[2] = [DllOpen('kernel32.dll') ]
	Local $av_OpenProcess = DllCall($ah_Handle[0], 'int', 'OpenProcess', 'int', $iv_DesiredAccess, 'int', $if_InheritHandle, 'int', $iv_Pid)
	$ah_Handle[1] = $av_OpenProcess[0]
	Return $ah_Handle
EndFunc   ;==>_MemoryOpen

Func _MemoryRead($iv_Address, $ah_Handle, $sv_Type = 'dword')
	Local $v_Buffer = DllStructCreate($sv_Type)
	DllCall($ah_Handle[0], 'int', 'ReadProcessMemory', 'int', $ah_Handle[1], 'int', $iv_Address, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($v_Buffer), 'int', DllStructGetSize($v_Buffer), 'int', '')
	Local $v_Value = DllStructGetData($v_Buffer, 1)
	Return $v_Value
EndFunc   ;==>_MemoryRead

Func _MemoryClose($ah_Handle)
	DllCall($ah_Handle[0], 'int', 'CloseHandle', 'int', $ah_Handle[1])
	Return 1
EndFunc   ;==>_MemoryClose

Func XpSyleToggle($onoff = 1)
	Local $xs_n
	If Not StringInStr(@OSTYPE, "WIN32_NT") Then Return 0
	If $onoff Then
		$xs_n = DllCall("uxtheme.dll", "int", "GetThemeAppProperties")
		DllCall("uxtheme.dll", "none", "SetThemeAppProperties", "int", 0)
		Return 1
	ElseIf IsArray($xs_n) Then
		DllCall("uxtheme.dll", "none", "SetThemeAppProperties", "int", $xs_n[0])
		$xs_n = ""
		Return 1
	Return 0
EndFunc   ;==>XpSyleToggle

Func CheckConnect($pid)
	$mid = _MemoryOpen($pid)
	Return _MemoryRead(0xCCFB08, $mid)
Edit: Dont thx me i deserve no credit, thx lolkop
how did u find exp and other offsets
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Old 12/27/2008, 20:11   #25
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here are most of the offsets including DC state (Picked From Multi-Eye)


Also with the Script i Sended to you, you can get Dir of any process, so you don't need to ask the user where is the silkroad folder
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Old 12/27/2008, 22:35   #26

[Wicked]'s Avatar
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yo lolkop are u using your autoupdater here again ? if ye it will be good
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Old 12/27/2008, 23:19   #27
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not added yet got no time atm xmas and new year stress
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Old 12/29/2008, 18:52   #28
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sry for dubblepost added autodetection of static and base adresses
since the dynamic calculation values won't change with most updates they won't be read from the client (waste of time)

to do:
still not able to grap the dc adress from the client will be added soon
maybe i'll add it in the next days

btw thx for the function ads
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Old 12/29/2008, 19:46   #29
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very very nice. little tiny suggestion.

* Pet hp^^
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Old 12/29/2008, 20:06   #30
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ok finally added the dc adress detection now it should work untill you need to download a new client for real big updates =)
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