What do you say .....i have lvl 90 Pure int ......is good if i wana put from now all stat points in str ?
You know ....1-90 all int .....90-100 all str ...will be something good ?
suggestion.. 07/01/2010 - Grand Chase - 2 Replies GM i hve a suggstion,can u mke a shield on grandchase just like in tekken or st fighter wherein if u press back u will be mking a shield..this will make the game more fun..
suggestion lng po 06/27/2010 - Grand Chase Philippines - 1 Replies mga GM suggestion lng po..bka nmn po pwd nyo lagyan ng salag or shield pg my npress n button,for example ung arrow key na left or right..ung pra pong sa tekken or st. fighter n pg ngpress ka ng back eh masasalag mo ung tira ng klaban.in this case ms mgging enjoyable ung game..kc prang ang nngyayari po eh sugod lng ng sugod,nwwla n ung strategy at tyming..at saka po ngiging mis sbrang mismatch sa mtataas n level kc mtaas n nga defense nla eh mlkas din damage nla..sna po mgwa nyo 2..tnx..more...
Bot Suggestion 06/13/2008 - Dekaron - 10 Replies ok here is the deal. there came something in my mind last night, but i donīt know whether someone else has the same idea or if itīs even possible. so donīt flame me and fuck me off for this. itīs just what it is - an IDEA!!
there is allready a great working bot that one can buy. it has all necessary features one need like:
and so on. check it out on your own!
suggestion 10/29/2007 - Conquer Online 2 - 0 Replies I have an idea. If it is possible for some1 to make a program, when ur PC shows like 18:00 everywhere in CO u have darker screen like in the firework quest and it end like at 6:00. And a switch between PC time and CO time.
Just a suggestion, maybe its nice? :DDD
P.S. I have nothing to do, while i used 5 fireworks on all accounts :)