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why should i add ice lvl70 nuke?

Discussion on why should i add ice lvl70 nuke? within the Silkroad Online forum part of the Popular Games category.

Old   #1
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why should i add ice lvl70 nuke?

its much weaker than other 3 (light, light70, ice rain) and don't have transfer dmg to other mobs, so whats the deal? why should i add a nuke weaker than the others? and the difference is that the other nukes are lower lvls and the nuke of ice is lvl 70, but the nuke sucks, so help me, why is there that nuke? should i add him?
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Old 06/14/2009, 13:48   #2
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if u think it's weak then leave it lol
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Old 06/14/2009, 14:55   #3
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well i had it on my old char but its kinda useless rlly at ur place i wouldnt skill it and save some sp ^^
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Old 06/14/2009, 15:33   #4
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light nuke lvl 70 the most powerfull nuke
fire nuke kinda power damage
cold nuke maybe u can use at frozen but it's damage low
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Old 06/14/2009, 15:36   #5
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save sp
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Old 06/14/2009, 16:00   #6
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ok tks, i'll remove it and add dragon combo
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