no hybrid bow is stronger then pure str!!! but you need to build hybrid good to be stronger or you will just be weak...
sorry but i dont know how to make a 80:80 bower but keep looking im sure you get really strong!!
From lvl 1 to lvl 32 make STR then from lvl 33 to 80 make INT... On lvl 80 you get 70:70 ... Then you make Full blue (5 STR and 5 INT) on all Weapon and Armor... then you get 80:80 ...Sorry for my English
with all that crit increase i think pure str bower are the better choose.
With lvl 90 you get again more crit skills.
You dont have atm only knockback as other skill effect, cause Stun chance with strong bow is very low.
Thats why it shall be better to go pure str.
But i must say i would really like to compare a actual full farmed 80:80 bow with a pure str.