WTT isro character server:MARS 70lvl WIZZARD FOR 68+ BOWER ONLY MARS
Discussion on WTT isro character server:MARS 70lvl WIZZARD FOR 68+ BOWER ONLY MARS within the Silkroad Online Trading forum part of the MMORPG Trading category.
WTT Bower on mars + (sos) Glavier on Swsro2 For char on mars!! 08/30/2010 - Silkroad Online Trading - 8 Replies Hey!
I want to trade Bukas, 104 Bower FF to 104 needs lil farming! Fire, pach, ice lvl 20 and light lvl90!!! has few avatars on it, ask for more infos if u need!
Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Really nice char with very good reputation!
Items go with it if your char have similar items!
WTT bower lvl 79 isro mars 1b++items for zszc water gold ! 07/18/2010 - Silkroad Online Trading - 0 Replies name:_Prapaditu_
gold: have like 50kk cash but have all this items http://www.elitepvpers.com/forum/silkroad-online-tr ading/654722-items-isro-server-mars.html ... and more glavie 94+5 a lot of sox's .. all this items value 1b+++
e-mail verification: NO
leave your offerts here
WTT Wizzard 96 MARS Server 08/18/2009 - Silkroad Online Trading - 9 Replies WTT My LvL 96 Wizzard + Cleric on Mars Server
LVL:96 Female
Skills : FF Wizzard +Cleric at 96 all Skills Added and Maxed with {200k sp more]
Items : Full +5-+4 staff 94+5 nice mag dmg and good set with full blues 2 avatars holyknight green and halloween dress
not verify to any email adress have good guild and name