WTS 100 Wizz/Bard on Xian 06/22/2010 - Silkroad Online Trading - 37 Replies My Newest char here for sell .. good avatar .. good reputation .. good guild .. good set ........etc
115k Sp left
Char not Verified!
screens :
Yfrog Album
I accept Chars on Any Server 98 FF and In Game Gold too ..
WTS lvl 74 WIZZ/BARD SERVER XIAN 04/11/2010 - Silkroad Online Trading - 5 Replies the wizz is lvl 74 name _ReGiNa_
it doesnt have any item or gold
no email verification .... have ID+PASS+SECRET ANSWER
only $$ via Paypal (looking for 15$)
for more information add me [email protected] or leave msg here
ALSO WTS 203 credits of isro bot -> price 5$
WTS LVL 74 WIZZ/BARD server Xian 10/17/2009 - Silkroad Online Trading - 0 Replies wts lvl 74 wizz/bard on server xian name _ReGiNa_
-wizz mastery lvl 74 / bard mastery lvl 60
-have set lvl 64-69 npc and acc 64-68 npc
-staff 72+3 full blue mag 83%
-20m gold
-have id password and secret answer
sell it for 30$
WTB BARD/CLERIC OR BARD/WIZZ 05/21/2009 - Silkroad Online Trading - 10 Replies HEY GUYS I WANT BARD/CLERIC (SPECIALLY) OR BARD/CLERIC i want them when it have bard skills :D just pm me or here
i want it lvl 64 ++