Need lvl 80+ char with angel/devil wings (i offer 77 bower +330k sp + avatar) 02/21/2010 - Silkroad Online Trading - 9 Replies Hello so as the topic says i want to get an account ( Preffered builds: Wizzard,Hybrid spear nuker,glavier,bower) with angel or devil wing avatar dress.It should be well farmed too tough
preffered servers:
Account that i offer:
WTB RSRO VENERA ANGEL-DEVIL AVATAR 02/17/2010 - Silkroad Online Trading - 1 Replies So i want to buy rsro venera angel or devil dress i will buy it for 60-70mils just leave ur nick in here.
WTB char with WHiTE ANGEL AVATAR( any server , any level ) 02/08/2010 - Silkroad Online Trading - 3 Replies I wtb a char on iSRO which has WHITE ANGEL AVATAR (male or female)
I don t care the lvl.
I don t care the build.
I will pay $ via paypal . Price goes + or - depending on char.
Price won't be high since i only need the avatar ( i ll make a new char and farm it ).
Leave your chars here.
I have the right to reject or to accept your offers. So post it here and i`ll chose the most conveniant.
Buying/selling method : MM Roby.
NEW Idea Sro Mod Angel vs devil 07/09/2009 - SRO Private Server - 52 Replies Hello guys i play in sro from long time but i have a little idea....
Can someone edit pk2 to make
Thief suit --> DevilWings
Hunter suit-->AngelWings
Trader suit-->Arabian set
Can we make it in pk2 to change thief suit on devil wings??
Is that possible IN ECSRO?? pk2??
If yes can someone tell me how do that or can make it and give us download link?
WTB acc with devil/angel wings (Mercury) 03/21/2008 - SRO Guides & Templates - 0 Replies I wanna make anyother account on mercury, but I want devil or angel wing... so I can't buy them at item amll anymore :(
If u have an acc low lvl with angel/devil wings on server mercury, I'll buy it, I pay well. (u must remember sercret answer, I want an acc with all info, if u don't remember sercert answer them no) no scammer pls, Im 100% legit. thanks