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Product Codes for Product List (Item Mall)

Discussion on Product Codes for Product List (Item Mall) within the Shaiya Private Server forum part of the Shaiya category.

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Product Codes for Product List (Item Mall)

I think I recall viewing the Sdata in Hxd to find certain product codes, but I did not find all the items I wanted. Where is the most common place to find all items for their product code so that I may edit my list properly?
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Old 01/13/2011, 04:47   #2
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First get Shaiya DataFileTool by lilprohacker:
Then get Shaiya Data Edit by Zerosignal:
Also download Python from link above.

1. Extract Shaiya Data Edit in the Python folder
2. Run Data File Tool and open data.sah from your Shaiya Folder
3. Extract cash.sdata
4. Still using Sata File Tool do File Decrypt and select Cash.sdata
5. Copy or cut Cash.sdata and put it in Python27\Input\SDATA
6. Then go to Python27 and run Cash_csv.bat
7. Go to Output and you can modify you Mall there.

Once the Modification are complete use Cash_sdata.bat and just put it back in game.sah
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Old 01/13/2011, 19:30   #3
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There's another shaky method you can do:

1. Grab and decompile your data.saf
2. Download Lilpro's version of the , and decrypt your cash.sdata using it.
3. Download K.e.f.e's and run it with your decrypted cash.sdata. It will show the accurate product codes.

SrShaden's method is an excellent and quick way to completely modify your cash.sdata once you get it all set up. If you use his method, though, remember to edit the Cash_csv.bat file to contain the file path to your python.exe or else it won't work properly!
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Old 01/13/2011, 20:07   #4
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Ok, thanks for the help. Only small problem is I don't have a data.sah or .saf idk why but I had to manually attach my DB to the SQL and run the .bat to get the PSM up and going, and as I am learning this editing side of things it never hurts to fiddle around with it. But as for the issue with not having the .saf file is there means of me getting my hands on it elsewhere? Sorry for the nub question lol
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Old 01/13/2011, 22:08   #5
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data.saf and .sah are in the Shaiya client folder itself (where you would find the original game.exe)

For example, you would find AGE's version in C:\Aeriagames\Shaiya
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