Updater isnt working 08/27/2010 - Archlord - 0 Replies hey guys i downloaded the newest client of the webzen game client and installed it...i started the game and the updater opened.
then it does nothing...there is just this empty window
im using windows 7 64-bit pls help i reinstalled it like 3 times now...
[help] npc isnt working 09/27/2009 - CO2 Private Server - 8 Replies hi i got a simple question im working on my 5017 server but got a prob.
im working with virsual c#
im in client.cs and i want to change the npc sentence
for example "Hello welcome to...."
then i change it to "Hello welcome to conquer"
then i press f5 for debugging
1hh...with mix... isnt working on int 10/12/2008 - Kal Online - 24 Replies just little advice... just make u not waste moeny
you die after you try to attack a monster
working on players only...
http://img378.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot2008 109027xa4.jpg
http://img378.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot2008 109027xa4.jpg
what to do when CIDproxy etc isnt working. 04/06/2008 - CO2 Guides & Templates - 23 Replies Ok so its down maybe because of 5018 maybe for some other reason depends on when your reading this. Most people use this for the aim bot part, there is an easy fix for what to do while this is down.
1. Go to BI
2. select FB or SS
3. Go to birdmen
4. Practice FB or SS while jumping around them
5. Repeat step 4 till bored
6. Go GWA or PKA
7. Find someone your levelish
8. Duel them without aimbot with the tools you have aquierd