Hi i'm new here as you everyone know maby?
Anyway i was thinking that i might help people find those non buggy bot's that people are really wanting on this forum like me.
I just hate the way people sending many topic's for such **** as that, i hope i can make it better.
Get a Intro 04/22/2010 - General Art - 0 Replies Hi epvpers Team und User,
da mein intro nix gworden is wollte ich fragen ob mir hier jemand ein Intro machen kann es wäre schön wenn es wir das aussehen würde
Spaß mit Glas der Einsicht (GA Verarsche/Metin2.DE) is auf you tube von joshi,
weiß net wie aufwendig das is naja würde 100 thxund vl noch nen battle of immortals acc lvl 25^
text sage ich euch dann per pn
this is my intro 03/27/2009 - Say Hello - 0 Replies Sup peeps.
the end:)
intro 12/23/2008 - Say Hello - 0 Replies yapeka kikika
Intro 07/04/2008 - Say Hello - 2 Replies HI Dis is sumit From.. India..
How r u People Means My Friends...
Like to talk with u ..:)