Ich würds ja testen nur sind die Server nicht online =/ Aber man kann den Dmg ja finden ohne eingeloggt zu sein ok auf dieser Hex Addresse findet man die Value 1 obs nun die Dmg Value ist kann ich zurzeit nicht testen da Server down sind.
ich hab vista und mhs xD
janu was mach ich jezz xD
is glaub ich viel zu anstrengend es irgentwie hinzubiegen dasses klappt hoffe irgendwann postet wer 'n fertigen table oda so ...
is richtig nett xD
ich hab vista und mhs xD
janu was mach ich jezz xD
is glaub ich viel zu anstrengend es irgentwie hinzubiegen dasses klappt hoffe irgendwann postet wer 'n fertigen table oda so ...
is richtig nett xD
omg leecher -.- da möcht man meeep doch echt zustimmen und das forum schließen -.- aber dann wär kein geld mehr da und epvpers geht pleite also müssen wir mit unserer beliebtheit und mit leechern leben
Originally Posted by lukasweed;
only work Sword DMG! [Kiki Uce] Windows XP^^
lol?! what is the connection between kikis and sword dmg? lol you can hack sword dmg in vista too! with mhs even MUCH better
omg leecher -.- da möcht man meeep doch echt zustimmen und das forum schließen -.- aber dann wär kein geld mehr da und epvpers geht pleite also müssen wir mit unserer beliebtheit und mit leechern leben
lol?! what is the connection between kikis and sword dmg? lol you can hack sword dmg in vista too! with mhs even MUCH better
Cuz Cheat Engine Dont Work Sorry, Work But Is Detected! xD and i dont have MHS i always use Kiki And C.Engine.
There is no relation with damage, i dont know why u take it in that way.
00 00 80 3F 00 00 20 40 sword damage is easy to find. I always go make a private room, search for float 1, its a static right off the bat. Just change each static 1 to 99 get shot by a sentry. One the address you cant does 1 hit one kill, that the one. The address for the guy are right around that address. I could find them but i use sword damage most of the time.Also the bypass isent 100% anymore, crashes every once in a while, but most of the time i can use it.
need [TUT] of how to find the value in CT. 06/20/2010 - Dekaron - 2 Replies as topic says, is their anyone here who knows how to find value in CT.
thats is not listed on other "TUTS' of public hacks.. im trying to find the offset of my skill,but i dont have the right value to search for the adrress.
ex. how to find this offset (value) in the CT?
Auto Pots Hack->->83 78 08 13 0F 84
Non Agro Hack->->0F B7 86 54 01 00
Vac Hack->->8B 50 1C 89 51 20
Speed Hack->->D9 40 08 5F 5E C3
Range Hack->->8A 44 24 04 88 81
[Tutorial+Tool] find other's hp mini tool + CE tutorial to find the Base Addresses 04/12/2010 - Archlord - 22 Replies this thread contains a videos of how to find you hp and ur target's hp base address using cheat engine in Archlord, along with a mini-simple tool written in C# that uses this info to find ur hp and ur target's hp by reading the process memory also the source code (for whom ever wants to use it in his own bot possibly!) ---> finding base address isnt always easy, it has try-and-error, interacting with the client to gather more info using CE... the initial 1098 value of the target mob could be...
How did gm find me ? 02/05/2009 - Kal Online - 14 Replies Hello I did storm cooldown hacking on hidden spot far away from people ... it's almost impossible that gm would found me and anyway i did looking around and nobody was there, and one moment i got expelled message, when i try to connect back it says your id is blocked ...
Last time when i did create server was few months ago, did AyleN update kocp and now can monitor us or what :D?
Anything you can find i can find betterrrrr! 07/16/2008 - Runescape - 0 Replies nexus ibot....
CS-Arena.com - professionelles Game-, Rootserver- & Housingbusiness
1. go to link
2. sign up
3. download nexus ibot the latest version.
4. got up to forums and choose nexus and ibot
5. scroll down to script realeses (you might need to be logged in)
6. download the scripts needed.
7. compile
8. start ibot.