Today I am releasing this small rdb editor to whoever has a use for it. Before hand let me start with some info about the Quest RDB and why it has never been really tackled in the past.
As many developers here know RDB's were only figured out because of their similarities to their respective databases (e.g db_npcresource.rdb > dbo.NpcResource) since the RDB have no column names you have to compare the values you are seeing to that of a database and hope the respective database is very close to what's in the rdb. I spoke to Xijezu about a Quest Editor and he told me he only had tried once and did not finish due to a great difference between the rdb and it's database counter-part.
After trying many different attempts at figuring out the structure by comparing it directly to it's database I decided to decode the hex as it came and I began to notice values that corresponded to entries of rows in the database and the more I translated the more I seen a big difference between the db and the rdb but yet many similarities.
After spending all day on decoding the structure I have been able to gather large amounts of useful data about questing such as the ability to alter: id, text_id, status_id, value1-12, exp, gold, jp, gen points, default and option rewards, quest requirements. Although I was unable to track the script_start/end_text field I recovered a number at the end of the row which is consistant throughout the rdb. (I do not think script_start/end_text exists in the 6.1/7.1 rdb)
As some final information there is a random segment of numbers that appear in the editor @ column 'unknown_field_1'
What do I need?
You will need the following rar, simply download extract to where-ever, load up structorian (AS ADMIN) then click File > Load Structure File (Select the STRS Folder and Select questresource.strs then click File > Load Data File and select the db_quest.rdb
UPDATED -- [I have cleaned up the table by hiding some of the spacers that were used]
Once the rdb has been loaded a window will appear and the will contain two items, click QuestResource_Header_Row_Count and the window will vanish and a window behind it will remain, on the left hand tree you will now see +QuestResource_Header_Row_Count, double click it and it will preload all entries, now just click on the first entry and it will be in table view.
To edit an entry simply highlight the field you wish to edit and type in the value, after your value has been entered press enter and up/down/left/right keys to navigate to another field. To save the file press File > Save Data File > Name it as:
* This editor will ONLY function for 7.1 clients [No outside help given]
* This editor will ONLY support 3 option quest prizes (not the native 7.1 6 rewards)
* EXP/JP/gP/Gold must be edited in both the RDB and the DB
* Mob Requirement must be edited in both RDB and the DB
Screenshots: -- UPDATED
If you think it's a virus don't download it, but for those with a brain I assure you it has no virus.
Bug Reporting/Fixing:
If you are able to figure out some of the unknown fields please update the strs and share it as a post in this thread, thank you.
Download Link:
p.s I accidentally left my NPCRESOURCE editor for 7.3 in their (7.3 ONLY!!!)