Jo, wollt fragen ob jemand die kRO Patches ab 1010 in einer .zip o.Ä. hat? Keine Lust mir wieder alle nicht-funktionierenden Patches rauszusuchen, da das wieder ne Arbeit von 5 Stunden wird.
CO Patches 06/30/2008 - Conquer Online 2 - 6 Replies Hey guys I need to download all patches from 5021+
My Client is at 5020 atm and all patches link from co doesn't work.
Patches 01/10/2008 - Conquer Online 2 - 5 Replies
I found that site when i was downloading patches for conquer.
I dont know if it's old or new but i posted it.
It got pretty much patches from 4028 to 5007.
Looking for old CO1 patches. 02/22/2007 - Conquer Online 2 - 5 Replies I am trying to install the old CO1 ver 4274. I am looking for patch 4275-4282 and can not find it ANYWHERE. Can someone help me out please? I really prefer the old client but had to wipe out my OS. :ops:
Patches 1.8.2->1.9.4 06/07/2006 - World of Warcraft - 10 Replies haalo
kennt jemand ein downloadlink bzw seite, die alle patches von 1.8.2-1.9.4 hat?