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Tool to aid the creation of RegEx offset finders - AutoIt code included

Discussion on Tool to aid the creation of RegEx offset finders - AutoIt code included within the PW Hacks, Bots, Cheats, Exploits forum part of the Perfect World category.

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Tool to aid the creation of RegEx offset finders - AutoIt code included

When I was making my offset finders for my I got pretty pissed off with having to turn code like this:
CPU Disasm
Address   Hex dump          Command                                  Comments
00604B30  /.  53            PUSH EBX
00604B31  |.  8B5C24 08     MOV EBX,DWORD PTR SS:[ARG.1]
00604B35  |.  56            PUSH ESI
00604B36  |.  8B7424 10     MOV ESI,DWORD PTR SS:[ARG.2]
00604B3A  |.  57            PUSH EDI
00604B3B  |.  56            PUSH ESI                                 ; /Arg2 => [ARG.2]
00604B3C  |.  53            PUSH EBX                                 ; |Arg1 => [ARG.1]
00604B3D  |.  E8 EE221E00   CALL 007E6E30                            ; \ElementClient.007E6E30
00604B42  |.  84C0          TEST AL,AL
00604B44  |.  74 24         JE SHORT 00604B6A
00604B46  |.  85F6          TEST ESI,ESI
00604B48  |.  74 18         JE SHORT 00604B62
00604B4A  |.  8BCE          MOV ECX,ESI
00604B4C  |.  E8 EFFD1E00   CALL 007F4940                            ; [ElementClient.007F4940
00604B51  |.  84C0          TEST AL,AL
00604B53  |.  74 0D         JE SHORT 00604B62
00604B55  |.  8B06          MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI]
00604B57  |.  6A 01         PUSH 1
00604B59  |.  6A 00         PUSH 0
00604B5B  |.  6A 00         PUSH 0
00604B5D  |.  8BCE          MOV ECX,ESI
00604B5F  |.  FF50 1C       CALL DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+1C]
Into something like this to put into an AutoIt regex search string:
$search &=    '.*?' & _
            '53' & _        ; PUSH EBX
            '8B5C24.{2}' & _    ; MOV EBX,DWORD PTR SS:[ARG.1]
            '56' & _        ; PUSH ESI
            '8B7424.{2}' & _    ; MOV ESI,DWORD PTR SS:[ARG.2]
            '57' & _        ; PUSH EDI
            '56' & _        ; PUSH ESI                                 ; /Arg2 => [ARG.2]
            '53' & _        ; PUSH EBX                                 ; |Arg1 => [ARG.1]
            'E8.{8}' & _        ; CALL 007E6E30                            ; \ElementClient.007E6E30
            '84C0' & _        ; TEST AL,AL
            '74.{2}' & _        ; JE SHORT 00604B6A
            '85F6' & _        ; TEST ESI,ESI
            '74.{2}' & _        ; JE SHORT 00604B62
            '8BCE' & _        ; MOV ECX,ESI
            'E8.{8}' & _        ; CALL 007F4940                            ; [ElementClient.007F4940
            '84C0' & _        ; TEST AL,AL
            '74.{2}' & _        ; JE SHORT 00604B62
            '8B06' & _        ; MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI]
            '6A.{2}' & _        ; PUSH 1
            '6A.{2}' & _        ; PUSH 0
            '6A.{2}' & _        ; PUSH 0
            '8BCE' & _        ; MOV ECX,ESI
            'FF50.{2}'        ; CALL DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+1C]
I got so pissed off in fact, that I knocked up a little tool to help
It's not particularly fancy as I kind of just threw it together to suit my needs at the time, but it might be useful for anyone who wants to make similar offset finders.

Basically, all you need to do is open up OllyDbg and find the section of code you're interested in, then copy it to the clipboard

Now run this little program and paste your code in the top box and hit the apply button. It will automagically convert it into correct syntax for AutoIt, with all arguments replaced with .{8} or .{2} or whatever size it is.
If there are two arguments, for example a 4 byte argument and a 1 byte argument, it can even convert this to .{10}

Once it's converted into AutoIt syntax, you can then test the regex on your .exe by putting the full file name and path in the text entry box below the second code window and hitting the 'Test' button. It will report back how many occurences of your pattern were found and then list them for you.

Once you've found a decent pattern, just copy the text from the lower box and paste it into your autoit program.

Job done =]

For anyone interested in the workings, it basically just uses a regular expression to extract the opcode, arguments and comments for each line of code:
And saves all the components of the instruction to an array of matches. Then it uses some fairly simple logic to reconstruct a syntactically suitable string for AutoIt.

As I said, it's not perfect and it might not be the exact formatting you want, and the comment tab spacing isn't great but it definitely saved me a lot of time. Hopefully it'll save you some time too

If anyone finds any bugs (or even better, fixes for them) please let me know.

Possible future addition:
Enter an address of which you wish to find an offset and the program could incrementally increase the size of the search string until only one match is returned, thus giving you the most efficient possible regex. If I can be arsed hehe


P.S., For anyone interested in using regular expressions, there is a vast amount of information out there. It's pretty tricky to pick up at first but it's not too bad and their power is vast! I highly recommend getting if you're serious about playing with them. It's well worth the € 29.95
(No, I don't work for them lol)

#include <ButtonConstants.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <EditConstants.au3>
#include <Array.au3>

Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) ;0=disabled, 1=OnEvent mode enabled
$hGui = GUICreate("Offset Finder maker by dumbfck", 600, 800)
GUISetOnEvent(-3, "_Quit")

$btnApply = GUICtrlCreateButton("Apply", 150, 770, 100, 25)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($btnApply, "btnApply_Click")

$btnTest = GUICtrlCreateButton("Test", 350, 770, 100, 25)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($btnTest, "btnTest_Click")

$btnBrowse = GUICtrlCreateButton("Browse", 520, 743, 70, 22)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($btnBrowse, "btnBrowse_Click")

$txtFileName = GUICtrlCreateInput("C:\Program Files\Perfect World  Entertainment\Perfect World International\element\elementclient.exe",  10, 745, 500, 20)

GUISetFont (6, 300, 1,"courier") 
$txtIn = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 10, 30, 580, 350)
$txtOut = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 10, 390, 580, 350)

GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGui)

Global Static $testString

; Loop forever
While 1

Func btnBrowse_Click()
    $fileName = FileOpenDialog("Select .exe file to test on",  "C:\Program Files\Perfect World Entertainment\Perfect World  International\element\elementclient.exe", "Executables (*.exe)", 1 )
    GUICtrlSetData($txtFileName, $fileName)

Func btnTest_Click()
    $fileName = GUICtrlRead($txtFileName)
    $file = FileOpen($fileName, 16)
    $data = FileRead($file, FileGetSize($fileName))
    if not $data Then
        MsgBox(0, "Error", "Could not read test file")

    $offsets = StringRegExp($data, $testString, 3)
    If Not IsArray($offsets) Then
        MsgBox(16, 'Error', 'Could not find pattern')
        $max = UBound($offsets)
        if $max > 5 Then
            $maxDisplayed = 5
            $maxDisplayed = $max
        $addressString = ""
        for $i = 0 to $maxDisplayed-1
            $funcAddr = 0x400000 + StringInStr($data, $offsets[$i])/2 - 1
            $addressString &= Hex($funcAddr) & @CRLF
        if $max > 5 Then
            $addressString &= "... more matches not shown"
        MsgBox(0, 'Found', 'Pattern matched ' & $max & " times at addresses:" & @CRLF & $addressString)

Func btnApply_Click()
    $inStr = GUICtrlRead($txtIn)

    $newString = "$search &=    '.*?' & _" & @CRLF
    $testString = ''
    $inArray = StringSplit(StringStripWS($inStr, 2), @CRLF)
    for $i = 0 to UBound($inArray)-1
        $outLine = "            "
        $testLine = ""
            [0-9A-F]{8}                8 hex digits - The address field of the Olly disasm - This gets discarded
            [\^|\.\>\s\\\/\$]+        one or more of the following: ^ | . > whitespace \ / $
                                    These are the chars Olly uses to show loops / jumps etc - This gets discarded
            (([0-9A-F]{2,8}):)?        Optionally match 2-8 hex digits followed by a : ($matches[1])
                                    Extra brackets are to match the value without the : at the end ($matches[2])
            ([0-9A-F]{2,8})?        Optionally match another 2-8 hex digits - If there is no previous match containing a : this will be the full opcode
                                    Otherwise, it will be the second part of the opcode after the : ($matches[3])
            \s?                        Optional space after opcode - discard
            ([0-9A-F]{8})?            if exists, matches if first argument after opcode is 8 digits    ($matches[4])
            ([0-9A-F]{4})?            if exists, matches if first argument after opcode is 4 digits    ($matches[5])
            ([0-9A-F]{2})?            if exists, matches if first argument after opcode is 2 digits    ($matches[6])
            [\s:]                    discard any whitespace or a : character
            ([0-9A-F]{8})?            if exists, matches if second argument after opcode is 8 digits    ($matches[4])
            ([0-9A-F]{4})?          if exists, matches if second argument after opcode is 4 digits    ($matches[5])
            ([0-9A-F]{2})?          if exists, matches if second argument after opcode is 2 digits    ($matches[6])
            \s+                        Discard one or more whitespace
            (.+)                    Match everything else at the end - This is the mnemonic, e.g., MOV EBX,[ECX]     ($matches[10)

            matches[0]    full match... don't do anything with it
            matches[1]    first part of opcode followed by and including ':'                 *always remove*
            matches[2]    first part of opcode if it contains a ':'                        *always show*
            matches[3]    full opcode or second part of opcode if it contains a ':'        *always show*
            matches[4]    32bit first argument - replace with .{8}
            matches[5]    16bit first argument - replace with .{4}
            matches[6]    8bit first argument - replace with .{2}
            matches[7]    32bit second argument - replace with .{8}
            matches[8]    16bit second argument - replace with .{4}
            matches[9]    8bit second argument - replace with .{2}
            matches[10]    Comment - add after a ';'                                                        
        $regex =  "^[0-9A-F]{8}[\^|\.\>\s\\\/\$]+(([0-9A-F]{2,8}):)?([0-9A-F]{2,8})?\s?([0-9A-F]{8})?([0-9A-F]{4})?([0-9A-F]{2})?[\s:]([0-9A-F]{8})?([0-9A-F]{4})?([0-9A-F]{2})?\s+(.+)"
        $matches = StringRegExp($inArray[$i], $regex, 2)
        if IsArray($matches) Then
            $testLine &= $matches[2] & $matches[3]
            $outLine &= "'"
            ; Should only get matches in [4] OR [5] OR [6], should never get them in more than one of these.
            If $matches[4] Then
                if $matches[7] Then 
                    $testLine &= '.{16}'            ; 32 bit first arg + 32 bit 2nd arg = 64 bit (impossible?)
                ElseIf $matches[8] Then 
                    $testLine &= '.{12}'            ; 32 bit first arg + 16 bit 2nd arg = 48 bit (impossible?)
                ElseIf $matches[9] Then
                    $testLine &= '.{10}'            ; 32 bit first arg + 8 bit 2nd arg = 40 bit
                    $testLine &= '.{8}'                                    ; else there is just one 32 bit argument
            If $matches[5] Then
                if $matches[7] Then 
                    $testLine &= '.{12}'            ; 16 bit first arg + 32 bit 2nd arg = 48 bit (impossible?)
                ElseIf $matches[8] Then 
                    $testLine &= '.{8}'            ; 16 bit first arg + 16 bit 2nd arg = 32 bit (impossible?)
                ElseIf $matches[9] Then 
                    $testLine &= '.{6}'            ; 16 bit first arg + 8 bit 2nd arg = 24 bit
                    $testLine &= '.{4}'                                    ; else there is just one 16 bit argument
            If $matches[6] Then
                if $matches[7] Then 
                    $testLine &= '.{10}'            ; 8 bit first arg + 32 bit 2nd arg = 40 bit (impossible?)
                ElseIf $matches[8] Then 
                    $testLine &= '.{6}'            ; 8 bit first arg + 16 bit 2nd arg = 24 bit (impossible?)
                ElseIf $matches[9] Then 
                    $testLine &= '.{4}'            ; 8 bit first arg + 8 bit 2nd arg = 16 bit
                    $testLine &= '.{2}'                                    ; else there is just one 8 bit argument
            $testString &= $testLine
            $outLine &= $testLine
            if $i <> UBound($inArray)-1 Then
                $outLine &= "' & _" 
                $outLine &= "'"
            if StringLen($outLine) < 18 then
                $outLine &= '    '        ; Add another tab to straighten out comments
            $outLine &= '    ; ' & $matches[10]
            $newString &= $outLine & @CRLF

    GUICtrlSetData($txtOut, $newString)

Func _Quit()
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Old 09/05/2011, 09:32   #2
Interest07's Avatar
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Awww, you're combining the two things I hate most, regex and olly

**** you lol. I'll give it a try some time...
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Old 09/05/2011, 09:37   #3
elite*gold: 10
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Haha! How can you hate Olly? It's a fantastic piece of kit :O
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Old 09/05/2011, 12:06   #4
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Originally Posted by dumbfck View Post
Haha! How can you hate Olly? It's a fantastic piece of kit :O
I find MHS to be much more convenient for breakpoints. Setting a script to print whatever you need when a breakpoint is hit is more convenient in my opinion. It doesn't stop the game from running so it's easy to quickly do a number of of different actions and collect all the data you need from them.

Don't get me wrong though, I've used olly to good effect on a number of occasions and it's an excellent tool, I just hate using it, purely subjective. It doesn't 'feel' nice to me

Maybe I just haven't worked with it enough to get used to it all
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Old 09/05/2011, 12:13   #5
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Sounds fair lol.
I keep meaning to give MHS a try. I did some reading week or two ago and I must admit it does look pretty sweet, especially the whole hooking / scripting thing.
Got a couple of projects to finish off at the moment, but hopefully next time I think of a project I want to do, MHS will serve a purpose for it

As for regexs, I love them too hehe. Sure they look a bit scary but they're really not so bad and they can do some incredibly awesome things. I've even done a complete project at work that was entirely based around regexs. If I'd written it using the old school string manipulation functions, it would have easily been 5 times the size and much less structured.
They're actually surprisingly fun too (nerd alert!)
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Old 09/05/2011, 13:26   #6
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First of all, thanks for this.

Yeah, regex are fun as hell I gulped when I saw your regex up there, longest ive yet to see

I find my offset by comparing byte signatures, I guess I have bad luck cause my regex always changed over patches

Good job^^
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Old 09/05/2011, 18:35   #7
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Hmmm, with a regexp you simply can't tell straight away what it does, that's my main gripe with them (except for the real simple ones). Of course they're a very powerful tool to use, but ugly

I have the same reaction to them as to the more complex mathematical formulae (especially containing a ton of greek letters >.>); apprehension at having to figure them out. Eventually I will, but it takes so much time for a relatively small amount of 'text / symbols'. Of course, as with any challenge, it's very rewarding when you do figure it out

It does get easier over time as you use it more, but before then you spend most of the time looking up what everything means
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Old 09/05/2011, 19:22   #8
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Hehe I suppose you have a point there. I normally try to thoroughly comment any regexs I use in code so I know what the hell I'm looking at when I come back to it months later... I actually forgot to do that in this program >.>
I'll go do that now

EDIT: Added comments to regex in the code in first post
It's not particularly aesthetic, but it made it easy to reconstruct the strings again after matching.

[0-9A-F]{8}                8 hex digits - The address field of the Olly disasm - This gets discarded
[\^|\.\>\s\\\/\$]+        one or more of the following: ^ | . > whitespace \ / $
                        These are the chars Olly uses to show loops / jumps etc - This gets discarded
(([0-9A-F]{2,8}):)?        Optionally match 2-8 hex digits followed by a : ($matches[1])
                        Extra brackets are to match the value without the : at the end ($matches[2])
([0-9A-F]{2,8})?        Optionally match another 2-8 hex digits - If there is no previous match containing a : this will be the full opcode
                        Otherwise, it will be the second part of the opcode after the : ($matches[3])
\s?                        Optional space after opcode - discard
([0-9A-F]{8})?            if exists, matches if first argument after opcode is 8 digits    ($matches[4])
([0-9A-F]{4})?            if exists, matches if first argument after opcode is 4 digits    ($matches[5])
([0-9A-F]{2})?            if exists, matches if first argument after opcode is 2 digits    ($matches[6])
[\s:]                    discard any whitespace or a : character
([0-9A-F]{8})?            if exists, matches if second argument after opcode is 8 digits    ($matches[4])
([0-9A-F]{4})?          if exists, matches if second argument after opcode is 4 digits    ($matches[5])
([0-9A-F]{2})?          if exists, matches if second argument after opcode is 2 digits    ($matches[6])
\s+                        Discard one or more whitespace
(.+)                    Match everything else at the end - This is the mnemonic, e.g., MOV EBX,[ECX]     ($matches[10)
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Old 09/05/2011, 22:11   #9
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Ahh, see that looks a lot clearer

The commentless version was rather impressive though of course
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Old 09/05/2011, 23:49   #10
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Maybe I should have left it as it was so people would think I'm awesome lol
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