Mwo 3.0 private server-client setup:
With so many files all over the place, I'm creating a single thread to compile all into
one source and to discuss any issues and problems setting up the client and server.
The location of original thread (general topic on mwo 2.0 setup, 3.0 setup, how to update DB, locations of chinese server files and many more.) :
MWO Files:
1. Setup How to Document (160kb):
- MwoSetupGuide.pdf
(check out corrected attachment below)
Server Files also contain How to instruction just go to start -> all programs -> mwo private server -> docs -> MwoSetupGuide.pdf
2. Server Files (114megs):
- Mwo30ServerFiles.7z
3. You can download installer to patch the client or patch it manually. (mwo 1006)
>>Installer way - button click (504megs):
- Mwo30ClientFiles.7z.001
- Mwo30ClientFiles.7z.002
- Mwo30ClientFiles.7z.003
- Mwo30ClientFiles.7z.004
>>Manual way - drag and drop (246Megs):
- Mwo30ClientFiles-Manual.7z.001
- Mwo30ClientFiles-Manual.7z.002
- Mwo30ClientFiles-Manual.7z.003
- To combine "xxxx.7z.001", right click on the "filexxxx.7z.001 -> select 7z -> extract here"
and you should have the file combined and extracted.
- 7z (
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Have fun and enjoy....