So you may have been looking around for a good Dekaron private server.
Got bored from the same old dekaron you have been playing ?
Well if so GOOD new, Dekaron Infernal is not boring nor is is dull and plain.
We have modified almost everything and made the game still as enjoyable as original Dekaron But BETTER!

General Sever Info:
-Max level 250
-Action 7 implemented
-Custom Skills
-Custom Map and Mobs
-Custom armors and weapons
-Exp is set to x1500, mobs exp is different so telling the exp is not exact.
-Dill rate low, strong currency.
Bosses have been made in each MAP! Ranking from 1 to 5 !, These bosses are hunted for rare items.
Key note on boss kills.
-Rank 1 - White Skull -(Legend 1 armor + other)
-Rank 2 - Blue Skull -(Legend 2 armor + other)
-Rank 3 - Red Skull -(Legend 3 armor + other)
-Rank 4 - Green Skull - (Drops Legend 4 Armor/Weapons) + Other
-Rank 5 - Yellow Skull. -(Drops Action 7 wings, Legend 5 Weapons/Armor) + Other + New Gems
Boss hunting reward system.
We have made another reason why to hunt these bosses.
They not just drop rare items, argates, dill. They drop certificates.
Now you may ask, What on earth are certificates.
From bosses ranking 1-2 they drop Certificate Low Rank.
From bosses ranking 3-5 they drop Certificate High Rank.
Now what do you do with these ?
We have an NPC in lower next to Pablos called Stacy, go talk to her, and you can find the rewards
that will help you in there.
Now you know by now we are a fully integrated action 7 server so yes we have all the action 7 skills.
BUT thats not all, we have made 4 Custom skills for each class at level 200, these are professionally made and look great.
We have modified the skills maxing at level 15, so you dont max at such a low level.
Action 7 Skills:

Now it comes to the items in Dekaron Infernal.
Dont worry we didnt add 50% crit damage gems that unbalance the server gameplay.
We have added our own custom gems however, giving...
-% In walking speed
-% In attacking speed
-% In physical resistance
-% In Knock back resistance
-% In Max Shield
- Max Medials
- And made a next level gems giving extra + and % as the normal gems have. *Hunted from boss*
We have re-done the textures for all the armors, making them custom giving them our Infernal Mod approval,
and most of all, looking Great !
We have also made all pieces of armor socket-able.. I mean why waste plain gloves, pants and boots when they can be more !
We have got the Legend 4 Armor found in Braiken and Rank 4 boss
Also the new Action 7 armor Legend 5 found in 10 levels of hell
Like the armors we have also modded a custom set for Legend 4 and 5.
Legend 4 weapons only found from Rank 4 boss.
Legend 5 Weapons only found from the Rank 5 Boss in 10 levels of Hell.
Ok now since we like to give our server a custom feel and enjoy modding we have made a few adjustments.
You will notice on some maps they are not as appeared.
We have either changed the colour of the map or the monsters and in most cases both.
Now we though, heck going outside of the main castle Loa and finding small bugs....
Why would i want to kill a bug outside this cool castle when i can kill Skeleton Guards !
In map Crespo you will find instead of an ice age its gone to the Infernal side,
Lava, fire, The monsters are fire type and everything there is basically our name. "Infernal"
Braiken is no longer a peaceful town city.
The creatures from Infernal have taken over and its now a gloomy dangerous map.
We have made 9 bridges that are located in Parca Temple.
Fight your way through the bridges and come to the end of a boss on each bridge.
The boss will drop a ring with the name of the Bridge.
Once all 9 rings are collected you can then exchange them with a GM and then you will get a Big Reward!
Plus there will be a statue in Braiken Named after you.

Our latest add to the server is the..
10 Levels of Hell
Stair To Heaven

To gain access to Heavens Temple, we have added a separate teleporter npc

As you see you can gain entrance to this map from North Morte.
There you find a big Red and black tower, click to enter.
Warning this map is not for noobs, nor easy. Its tough and recommends a big strong party!
There make your way through the 10 levels of "Hell" for its insanely HARD.
On the last level you will find the Rank 5 boss.
Warning if you thought the levels where tough, this is harder.
This boss is recommended to be fought with a bunch of strong players.
Through the 10 levels the monsters in the map drop Legend 5 Armor, Action 7!
In the 10 levels of hell screen shots.: