Skynest Reborn, the most advanced, stable, and epic Dragon Nest private server!
Information About our Game:
Level 80cap
80x Experience rate
50x Gold Rate
10x Drop Rate
Server Specifications:
Dual Xeon x5650 (24threads / 12cores)
64Gigs of ram DDR3
4x 512GB SSD
Server Features:
*20% AC Rebate for 1year Anniversary
*Cash NPC
*LVL 80 cap
*VN Trial Nest
*Dark Avenger
*Upcoming Red Dragon Nest and Machina class.
*Machina and RDN will be added soon!
*+20 enhancement , +10 = 100% success
Staff is active, helpful and friendly.
There are also multiple events to enjoy!
So, what are you waiting for?
Join us now:
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