Prius(Anima) online 04/20/2013 - Foreign Games - 8 Replies Hi can anyone help to register or help me with that game...
Want to try it before Aion...Here is website
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Prius Online 02/19/2013 - General Gaming Discussion - 3 Replies Hi es geht um das spiel Prius Online:
Ich habe es geschafft mich auf der Seite zu reggen nur schaffe ich es leider nicht den Clienten runterzuladen da die POPUP Seite zum Downloaden bei mir nicht ldt an was knnte das liegen ? PLS HELP
WTS Prius online money 09/28/2011 - Trading - 1 Replies Selling 100-200 mil on prius gpotato game.
Server : Raven.
An average night of drilling you might get 1 mil, an average player currently might have 9 mil or so. So be the first few hundred-airs on the server. Best offer wins. Pm me your offers, not post here.
Also i am selling my old rappelz account. Here is a link to it.
Prius Online Exploit ? 07/04/2011 - General Gaming Discussion - 2 Replies Hallo ich suche nach dem Coloseumexploit fr Prius Online angerissen in diesem Thread.
Nur beschreibungen finde ich leider nicht dazu hab auch schon geGoogled, kagm aber leider nix bei raus.
Wrde mich freuen wenn mir jemand der den exploit kennt mal ne pm schicken wrde.
iam looking for someone who can explain me the Coliseum Exploit, would be grate if you know the Exploit i would be glad if you could send me an PM.
Prius Online Sub-Forum 06/15/2011 - Off Topic - 1 Replies Prius Online(NA) recently went into open beta. I noticed it was not in the "MMORPGs" and would like to have a sub-forum made. Prius Online is hosted by gPotato and has a good player base. It incorporates a 3C playing system that is very interesting and fun.
Some Links
gPotato Presents PRIUS ONLINE - A Completely Free To Play Online Game!
Prius Online Game Review - MMO Hut (A dated review)