I have made account specially to write a message. Legend of Martial Arts (LoMA) the game has already many servers. Chinese, Thailands, Russian that all i am aware of. Probably Korean too. Its funny that there is no english server around anymore. PWE LoMA has been closed (i was there from the 1st till the last minute) and Philippines LoMA which was an english server also has been closed at april 30 this year. This game is doomed or something? I mean really? There is no english server of this game? Even russians made their own server.
I am begging you on behalf of players that loves this game. Please anyone competent to make a server that survive more than 2 years... Anyone that knows the game and loved it just like we did.
I would like start discussion here about this game. I hope you will share your thoughts.
Thank you for reading.