Please help me to do a bot for my RO this is my RO.. or
Discussion on Please help me to do a bot for my RO this is my RO.. or within the Private Server forum part of the General Gaming Discussion category.
Marble Steed [100 % work ] 08/14/2012 - CO2 Guides & Templates - 12 Replies i dont like 2 take others job and give it my name So i will tell u guys that the formula of marble steed is taken from Other forum ..iam doing so cuz sm1 put wrong marble formula so i put the Right 1 for Pvprs Users in order not waste steeds and get lost ..all u need is 136 Saddle |/\|here is the formula|/\|
b+ 4x(b+m) + w + (w+b) + (m+w) + 15x(b+w+m) +
+ +
+ +
[DIF] Blessing Marble - Trade Fix. 02/11/2012 - Metin2 PServer Guides & Strategies - 12 Replies Heyoo guys :)
Do you know that Blessing Marble (vnum 70024) isn't marketable? So I created a dif-file to resolve this problem :)
The Favorites Few
0018C72C: 88 0F
0018C72D: 11 21
0018DAE2: 88 0F
0018DAE3: 11 21
WTS BBOE , Bloody MArble Asura 03/31/2010 - 9Dragons Trading - 0 Replies Post offers or your email id here plz , yahoo/msn, so we can talk