Asherons call Private server 08/17/2011 - Private Server Advertising - 2 Replies is there anyone that know if this is posible in any way or know any out there?
this would be great. the old ac was the fun game. but the game is about dead. was there about 1 year ago and there was hardly any online. i would love to bring the game back to the old day's and free.
Asherons Call Emulator? 01/03/2007 - Private Server - 1 Replies Kennt jmd noch einen Asherons Call I Emulator? UAS habe ich im Netz gefunden, allerdings ohne Support. Alle weiteren URLs die ich fand waren inaktiv. Wäre schade wenn es dafür nix lauffähiges gibt. Wenn jmd noch was kennt bitte melden :D