[HELP] in my code the gw gate mesh 12tails source 07/13/2011 - CO2 Private Server - 5 Replies I believe this code, is to change the mesh of the gate when it is open, but is not working, can someone tell me why?
public void Die(Game.Entity killer)
if (MapID == 1038)
if (UID != 6700)
if (Hitpoints != 0 || Mesh != 251 && Mesh != 287)
Heavens Gate Full Hack !!! Including GM hack!!! 12/29/2009 - Dekaron Private Server - 33 Replies Hi there!
Since i got banned now 2 times, i decided to release my hacks i got so far...
Here the adress of this server: Heavens Gate Dekaron
Just put the share folder in your /data folder & let all files being replaced
For GM Teleport & GM Ghostmode:
-Download cheatengine
-Open the GhostmodeCT
Gate to Heavens PS files 09/05/2006 - General Gaming Discussion - 0 Replies I've come across some private server files for this game but they were incomplete. I suspect they're hosted in a korean website. I don't know korean, but i've been trying to find them. I was wandering if anyone had the files or if they could help finde them, because the game is going to close...