Aion Galaxy Emu 2.5-2.6 11/07/2011 - Private Server - 0 Replies Aion Galaxy Emu based on AionXemu,
if you want to help us improve our open source project or just want to use it
you are most welcome.
you can visit us on Aion Galaxy Emu
SVN:aion-galaxy-emu - Aion Emulation 2.5 - Google Project Hosting
Aion Galaxy Emu 2.5 09/19/2011 - Private Server - 0 Replies Aion Galaxy Emu based on AionXemu, unfortunately we dont have website
for now but you can check out our svn page
- if you want to help us improve our open source project or just want to use it
you are most welcome.
aion-galaxy-emu - Aion Emulation 2.5 - Google Project Hosting
Aion Galaxy 09/10/2010 - Aion Private Server - 2 Replies AionGalaxy
200x Exp Rate
150x Kinah Rate
75x Drop Rate
100x Quest Rate
200x Group Rate
20x Abyss Point Rate