killeRs BoT 03/24/2010 - Last Chaos - 11 Replies killer macH mAl biTtÖ die heilung wiedeR rein wEnn Man sie auf = stelLTe konnTE maN sOnST es für samEN und AttaCken benUTZen
Bitte bitte bIttE lieBGuck
My ServeR Co Emu Comming Soon ! 08/06/2009 - CO2 Private Server - 13 Replies Hey alll my srv is 95% done !
first i need to thx to Alex:| !!
This Srv Have
Quiz Show
fatal strike,shuriken vortex, counter kill <-- all skils ninja
97% NPC !!
killers curse reopened 06/29/2008 - EO PServer Hosting - 21 Replies welcome to my server i have added some stufff take a look around
have any question ask here in this post
no hamachie required i am working on geting my client up to download
got a client u can use MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
and to register u can go to Eudemons Register
a little info about killers curse
1]have profession change for 50k to pally and 10k to war/mage and spiders drop all skills including tornado