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Making a guildwars server.

Discussion on Making a guildwars server. within the Private Server Advertising forum part of the Private Server category.

Old   #1
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Is there any privite servers up for guildwars? Or is there any1 currently working on. If not will any1 help me build one?
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Old 10/28/2006, 04:23   #2
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It would appear as if creating a GW private server is impossible. :?

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Old 01/03/2007, 12:00   #3
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Originally posted by Cheesywillie@Oct 28 2006, 03:23
It would appear as if creating a GW private server is impossible. :?

Why is it impossible? its great game but why cant the server be emulated?
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Old 02/09/2007, 17:05   #4
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There ain't such a thing as a like file. its all in a "BIN" format.
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Old 02/09/2007, 18:16   #5

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you only need to open the exe with an hex editor and change the ip adress ^-^
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Old 02/11/2007, 03:59   #6
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bin is not a problem u can Repack it

realmlist ISNT needed Just Make Your Own .BAT Or .EXE Launcher i can help for gw server

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Old 05/13/2007, 10:47   #7
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Originally posted by Secks@Feb 9 2007, 18:05--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Secks @ Feb 9 2007, 18:05)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> There ain't such a thing as a like file. its all in a "BIN" format. [/b]
I actully lol'ed... how moronic...

I'll just quote myself from as it's easier...
You have searched for server files/emulators?
If not do so.

You couldn't find any server files/emulators?
There aren't any (with a few exceptions - soma/mir/HB)

Do you have exceptional Java/C or C++ programming abilities? (few years)
If not then you have no chance of makeing an emulator.

Also add "If you don't know how to build an emulator don't even try"

Take it from someone with experiance...


I also like "If you need a guide to set up a basic server, don't even post"
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Old 05/13/2007, 11:43   #8
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I will disagree with your statement cause the desire to get something will make you learn everything you need if the desire is strong enough

However i would never support something like an emulator for a game that is free to play all you have to do is buy the game and you can play it

so where is the point in making an emulator?

However there are several ways to let the client connect with every ip you want
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Old 05/13/2007, 12:31   #9
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If someone with no codeing experiance were to try and learn everything needed to make an emulator (Packet decryption/language etc) it would take years... (why it's done normally by a team)

There is far better uses for that time than trying to make an emu with no experiance in any of the fields needed... in which there is the posibility that server files can be leaked or there being sucessful projects etc
ie makeing a project and trying to co-ordinate it rather than learn, also not many people would join a team with unskilled people (too many leaks)

The point I'm trying to get through is more that they are welcome to try and learn but to think they "will" make an emulator without any prior experiance is just naive.

Once they have gained experiance they can help "try" and make an emulator for other games and if they still want to make an emu for the first game they will have the experiance to try and do so.

Dunno if I've explained it right but I hope you get what I mean...
(11:30am here and I haven't slept)

Also they only reasons I can see for an emu for a f2p are normally noobish ones like the most common:
They just want to be *** of their own server than actully compete or play with others

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