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Linux PServer
Discussion on Linux PServer within the Private Server Advertising forum part of the Private Server category.
10/27/2006, 02:17
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Aug 2006
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German ->
Ich suche ein linux Pserver. Es ist egal was für ein online spiel am besten eins so wie (MU, Silkroad, WoW, Kal Online, u.s.w.) Postet bitte mal alle linux PServer wenn es denn welche gibt.
Englisch ->
I look linux Pserver. It is all the same what online play best of all one as well as (MU, Silkroad, Wow, Kal online, etc.) Postet please sometimes everything linux PServer if it then which gives.
Mein englisch ist nicht so gut allso wenn jemand das besser kann, kann er es ja mal neu übersetzen.
10/27/2006, 23:44
elite*gold: 0
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gibt es denn kein linux emulatoren für irgentwelche spiele
/edit gibt es denn garnix für linux server?
11/12/2006, 16:02
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 62
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Originally posted by little0man@Oct 27 2006, 01:17
German ->
Ich suche ein linux Pserver. Es ist egal was für ein online spiel am besten eins so wie (MU, Silkroad, WoW, Kal Online, u.s.w.) Postet bitte mal alle linux PServer wenn es denn welche gibt.
Englisch ->
I look linux Pserver. It is all the same what online play best of all one as well as (MU, Silkroad, Wow, Kal online, etc.) Postet please sometimes everything linux PServer if it then which gives.
muhahahaha geilstes englisch ever *mitfingeraufdichzeig*
11/12/2006, 16:26
elite*gold: 20
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es hängt immer davon ab auf welches betriebsystem der admin denn
emulator hostet und da skann man halt nich immer wissen ...
aba vllt findest ja doch einen xDD
11/12/2006, 17:09
elite*gold: 0
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gibt sowas wie wine z.b. und wenne unbedingt was laufen lassen willst das windows will, dann mach halt ne windows server.
01/03/2007, 15:39
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Dec 2005
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Hi !
Da ich selbst WoW Spieler bin und mich nur damit auskenne was das Hosten betrifft hab ich die Links zusammengesucht die du dazu brauchst !
10 Steps TuT:
easy way to get it running - 1 Week Ago
ok, u have problem - try it this way 10 steps - it's easy hehheeh
Debian 3.1(stable/testing), Debian 4.0 (testing) FreeBSD and any other Debian clone that has same commands (apt-get etc.). This tutorial CAN be used with other Linux dstributions IF you know commands that are used to install packages. THIS SHOULD BE a principle how to do it. Tested with Debian 4.0 (testing) and FreeBSD on 27.12.2006 and all works well.
install svn (subversion)
(debian e.g.) sudo apt-get install subversion
create dir for mangos:
lala:/opt# mkdir mangos
download newest ver by exec this:
notice - there is a link to svn, but you need to type it the as it is.
lala:/opt# svn checkout /opt/mangos
If all went ok go to to next one
u have to have following:
- gcc 3.3 (for latest source code revision, u can use gcc3.4 and gcc4)
- g++ 3.3(for latest source code revision, u can use g++3.4 and g++4)
- make
- automake (1.5 and above)
- autoconf
- glibc & glibc-dev(glibc headers)
- mysql 4.1
- apache2 + php5
- phpmyadmin (good choice)
(i have mysql5 couse i had some problems with 4.1)
now it's time to do it
lala:/opt/mangos# ./configure --prefix=/opt/mangos --sysconfdir=/opt/mangos/etc --with-python --enable-cli --enable-ra --datadir=/opt
and wait - if some errors occure just read the output to solve the problem (in most cases glibc, pthread (postix thread) and some other).
If all went ok go to to next one
run this one and have a cup of coffe -> it'll take some time
lala:/opt/mangos# make
ok, so you'r not sleeping - good
now it's time to install it
lala:/opt/mangos# sudo make install
so - it's installed now - great but, it's not done yet.
u have to download maps 1.12.2 -> here
and extract them into maps dir (in this archive is maps folder, so just copy&paste it in mangos dir.
and you need one more tihng DBC 1.12.2 -> here
extract it into mangos dir (u have dbc dir in this archive so just copy&paste it into mangos dir).
ok, you can start the server. go to mangos/bin directory and from first shell (or term window) start ./realmd by typing ./realmd
now start mangos from second shell or term window (also from your bin directory) type ./mangosd
it will end like this (if all went ok)
Loading Teleport Coords...
Loading Game Object Templates...
>> Loaded 180105 game object templates
Scripts Library was successfully loaded.
Initializing Scripts...
Reference thread created.
1 reference-thread added.
Grid compression apply on creatures....
Grid compression apply on gameobjects....
WORLD: SetInitialWorldSettings done
WORLD: Starting Event System
Setting Grid clean up delay to 300 seconds.
Setting map update interval to 100 milli-seconds.
User thread created.
1 user-thread added.
User thread created.
Thread starting...
1 user-thread added.
Thread starting...
so now u have a server.
you can download acc creation page -> here
and if you want to add new realm (i've done that from phpmyadmin - open database realmd, click on realmlist - on left side, then on the right side click on insert. Fill in the field "name" and address (if you want to allow your network clients to connect) with your IP address of the "mangos" computer.
patch your W*W to 1.12.1 or 1.12.2 and you can play.
ok, one little update!!!!!
IF you download mangos via svn, it can be ver 0.6, and then u need maps 1.12.2 and u can find them *yoink*
(usualy, u get error that maps are outdated, then just download 1.12.2 maps and place them in /maps dir and play it again Sam )
MySql tutorial
MySql is required for mangos to work, optional is PHPMyAdmin and PHP.
i.e. (debian) apt-get install mysql-server phpmyadmin php5 (to be able to install php5 and mysql 5 maybe you'll need to modify your apt source list - but that's way out of this tutor).
When you install MySql, download newest SDB (HERE - SDB forum - registration needed).
Ok, you have latest database, now let's create database. If you installed phpmyadmin, point your browser to i.e. login to your mysql server with usrname & passwd, and you'll see a field - Create new database, there create database called mangos and once again create database realmd. Becouse phpmyadmin has a limitation of filesize to import, got to shell/terminal and type: lala:/where/u/xtracted/sdb/ mysql -p mangos < name-of-sql.sql (i.e. lala:/opt/mangos/sql# mysql -p mangos < mangosdb.sql)
It will take some time to import about 100-120mb of data.
Repeat the same action for realmd.sql (i.e. lala:/opt/mangos/sql# mysql -p realmd < realmd.sql ).
So you have your databases up and running. You need to edit realmd database table realmlist to set it the way you want (realmname, ip .. . .).
In case that it is needed, update your mangos db (in your mangos dir, there is dir sql, and inside is dir updates. There are located updates for mangos and realmd. So, point your browser to login and on the left side select database mangos, then go to import, click browse and navigate to your mangos/sql/updates dir. select the update you want (recommended is to exec ALL UPDATES newer than your DB release) and hit go. If you get error, in most cases it means that the update you'r trying to do is already included in your database, but read the error output.
So, this is really short mysql tutorial, i'll try to add some more things later.
To update your mangos (core and sql) you can do it this way:
lala:/# svn up /opt/mangos
it will download all updated files newer than your release, but you have to read a bit to figure out if some major update has been made (like transports.sql) becouse transports.sql needs transports.cpp and transports.h to work fine. That's just an example,
I hope this can help someone.
Dmn, I had some problems compiling ver 0.6 but now it-s up and running (problems were with duplicated pthread). If someone of you want-s to use DJ Ravines mangos autoatart script u need "screen"
apt-get install screen
put mangos.sh into /etc/init.d folder and chmod it to 755 then edit rc.local ald call exec of mangos.sh and it automaticly starts
here is mangos sql backup script -> FULL DATABASE BACKUP
mysqldump -u username -ppassword mangos > mangos_sql_backup-`date +%d-%m-%y`
exit 0
i.e. mysqldump -u mangos -pmangos mangos > mangos_sql_backup-`date +%d-%m-%y`
exit 0
and here is sql backup of character tables and everything to do with chars.
mysqldump -u username -ppassword mangos table1 table2 > charbackup.sql
so, what to export??? Good Q. let's say it this way. IF you are importing NEW SDB but want your characters to exist again then u should export thouse tables:
----I think that's most important, if someone knows any other table that's important just say and I'll add it.
Add following code into /etc/crontab
Notice - sql file will be created in /root/desktop/backup - mangos/ folder where the mangos.sh is located.
0 23 */2 * * root /root/Desktop/backup - mangos/backup.sh
NEW SVN link is:
svn co /opt/mangos (or any dir where you want to download mangos).
and SourceForge.net Repository - [mangos] Index of /trunk is the link where you can find changelog and see the changes of .sql updates and so on.
there ya go, have fun
Wenn du ein neueres Review haben willst check This Link:
(such die Revision mit der größten Nummer aus, also rev29XX)
Hoffe kriegst das zum laufen und konnte deine Frage beantworten ^^
Mfg Dk...
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Servus ^^
Und zwar such ich nen tool (ja ich weiss, man kann kein linux server zu nem windows machen xD *siehe überschrift*) aber ich hab von nem guten freund gehört, dass es tools gibt, die linux vortäuschen können, dass er ein windows server sein soll :rolleyes:
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