Eternity DarkEden Server
Our server is open for 4 months with GMS dedicated, daily events and promotions. Our goal is to bring fun and comfort for players
here are some pictures taken of the game:

You wanna play?
is simple
Site of server

Download the client
just click

And get the newest patch

Creating an new acc

Install the game
extract the patch in eternity folder
replace all files...
Now u have 4 exes to enter the game: 0,1,2,3
this numbers representing the resolutions of the game with full screen or window mode
0 = 800x600 full mode
1 = 800x600 window mode
2 = 1024x764 full mode
3 = 1024x764 window mode
Exp Rate: 50x
Drop Rate: 50
GRade Rate: 70x
any question just send a email to gms
