there are no private servers or will be any time soon . this game is not popular enough with the mass group of hackers to have any sorta of file leek or steel then leek. sorry but i wish there was one to xD
i really really wish there was a private server :/
I keep having to go to new servers after lvl 8x+ cause its just boring... and so slow and to add costly...
I am currently playing on ares tho :l
Trying to make an Angels Online private server 05/10/2014 - Private Server Advertising - 3 Replies Okay so I've been looking up how people have done other private servers for other games and I figured Angels online really couldn't be that much different?
I figured out how to get around the Updater like many games, I figured how to set a Hosting IP for a server to exist on.
All i need to figure out now is how to go upon the online database or what not where the characters of people would be saved and recorded.
Anyone with experiance in figuring private servers out able to help?
First Angels Online private server! 06/20/2009 - Private Server Advertising - 11 Replies AngelsSin
50X all rates. Fast server. Fast connection! Friendly staff! Come join us! 24/7 !