How can i find opcode from winpcap packets 04/30/2013 - SRO Coding Corner - 5 Replies Hello all..
I want to find opcode with listening ethernet device
I am using winpcap library in c#. I have some sniff data in 15884 port but i think opcode location always different and i think winpcap adding ip-port header in data
lets some datas..
002590A79412648788441400080045000028063D400078067 69658F117575FADB607C549E22C74751CEEE5137BFC50100F9 77FC20000000076965891
[only 64bit] Logtetsch Dinar Bot v.1.0.1 [only 64bit] 03/16/2011 - WarRock Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits - 28 Replies Allen ein Frohes Weinachtsfest :)
Hallo alle zusammen!
Heute präsentiere ich euch meinen neuen Logtetsch Dinar bot v.1.0.1 der mit einem automatischem "Administrator" starter eingebaut ist!
[AutoIt] OpCode Isro probleme Find Gold 10/04/2009 - Silkroad Online - 1 Replies hi all :)
with this page -bots-guides/298129-misc-nubecoder-ini-updates.htm l ( Liste OpCode )
i can find HP,MP,X,Y,CharName,ServerName,ExpPoint,Sp
but I can not use a (Gold, Guild Name, Lvl , STR, INT )
I use a Script AutoIt ( Find in web ) for can read in my memory.
#include <nomadmemory.au3>