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OPTC Fresh Accounts Store

Discussion on OPTC Fresh Accounts Store within the One Piece Treasure Cruise Trading forum part of the Mobile Games Trading category.

Old   #1
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OPTC Fresh Accounts Store

Selling Global 100% freshly rerolled accounts. (Japanese version accounts coming soon)
All accounts are right after the tutorial and pirate level 1.

PM me if you need a good starter account. I got tons of single and double legend accounts. (for approximately 3€ each)
Tons of new accounts each sugofest.

Preferred Payment method: PayPal

Triple Legends:
5* [DEX] Donquixote Doflamingo, The Current King of Dressrosa, 5* [QCK] Kami Eneru, Endless Dreams of Arch Enemies, 5* [PSY] Sengoku, 5* [PSY] Morning Star Rakuyo, 5* [PSY] Bartholomew Kuma, Clash of the Great Pirate Era [Crew Obliterator] (6.00€)
5* [DEX] Magellan, Prison Ruler, 5* [PSY] Nekomamushi, 5* [QCK] Marco, Whitebeard 1st Div. Commander, 5* [STR] Hack, Revolutionary Army, 5* [STR] Tony Tony Chopper: Monster Point, Reunion of the Straw Hat Pirates (6.00€)
5* [DEX] Marshall D. Teach, Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates, 5* [PSY] Trafalgar Law, Worst Generation, 5* [INT] Dracule Mihawk, Warlord of the Sea, 5* [INT] Flower Sword Vista, 5* [DEX] Koala the Revolutionary, 5* [PSY] Fierce Little Oars Jr, The Pathfinder Breakthrough (6.50€)
5* [DEX] Marshall D. Teach, Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates, 6* [DEX] Donquixote Rosinante, 5* [INT] Dracule Mihawk, Warlord of the Sea, 5* [QCK] Charlotte Pudding, Malicious Girl (5.50€)
5* [DEX] Monkey D. Luffy, Kung Fu Training, 5* [QCK] Franky, Strawhat Pirates' Secret Weapon, 6* [PSY] King of the Night Nekomamushi, 5* [QCK] Jinbe, Warlord of the Sea, 5* [DEX] Usopp, Swindling Forest's Resolute Warrior, 5* [INT] Haruta, Gale Small Swordsman (6.50€)
5* [DEX] Monkey D. Luffy, Kung Fu Training, 6* [INT] Sakazuki, Decisive Deadly Battle, 6* [STR] Monkey D. Luffy, A Vow in the Great Age of Pirates - Pirate King, 5* [INT] Sentomaru of the Axe, Navy HQ Officer, 5* [PSY] Momonosuke, Child of Wano Country (6.00€)
5* [DEX] Usoland, 5* [QCK] Monkey D. Luffy, Gathering of the Straw Hats, 5* [QCK] Aokiji, Navy HQ's Strongest Forces, 5* [PSY] Maelstrom Spider Squard, 5* [STR] Garp the Fist, Navy HQ Vice Admiral (6.00€)
5* [INT] Akainu, Decisive Deadly Battle, 5* [PSY] Vinsmoke Judge, 6* [QCK] Kuzan, 5* [STR] Blamenco the Mallet (5.50€)
5* [INT] Fujitora, The New Admiral from the World Military Draft, 5* [QCK] Rob Lucci, World Government Monster, 5* [QCK] Boa Hancock, 5* [QCK] Diamond Jozu, 5* [INT] Don Chinjao, Kano Kingdom Gang (6.00€)
5* [INT] Hody Jones, New Fishman Pirates Captain, 6* [QCK] White Knight Cavendish, 5* [INT] Knight of the Sea Jinbe, 5* [STR] Kumadori, CP9's Strongest (5.50€)
5* [INT] Shanks, The Yonko Responding to One's Courage, 5* [PSY] Trafalgar Law, Worst Generation, 6* [INT] Dark King Rayleigh (5.00€)
5* [PSY] Monkey D. Garp, Pirate King's Arch-Nemesis, 5* [QCK] Monkey D. Luffy, Gathering of the Straw Hats, 6* [QCK] Kuzan, 5* [PSY] Mad Monk Urouge, 5* [DEX] Kaku, CP9's Strongest, 5* [INT] Koala, You're My Valentine, 5* [QCK] Nami, You're My Valentine (6.50€)
5* [PSY] Nico Robin, Inheriting Ohara's Will, 5* [PSY] Nekomamushi, 5* [PSY] Shirahoshi-hime, 5* [PSY] Marco the Phoenix, 5* [PSY] Nami, Weatheria's Cat Burglar, 5* [DEX] Usopp, Swindling Forest's Resolute Warrior, 5* [STR] Carrot, You're My Valentine, 5* [PSY] Charlotte Brϋlιe, Big Mom Pirates (6.50€)
5* [PSY] Shirahoshi-hime, 6* [QCK] White Knight Cavendish, 6* [STR] Whitebeard, 5* [QCK] Gladius, Donquixote Pirates, 5* [PSY] Jinbe, Hell's Warlord of the Sea (6.00€)
5* [QCK] Aokiji, Navy HQ's Strongest Forces, 5* [INT] Dracule Mihawk, Warlord of the Sea, 5* [STR] Edward Newgate, 5* [DEX] Kyros, Former Captain of the Riku Royal Army, 5* [QCK] Violet, Dressrosa Former Royal Family's Princess (6.00€)
5* [QCK] Aokiji, Navy HQ's Strongest Forces, 6* [STR] Man-Eating Bartolomeo, 5* [DEX] Corazon, Donquixote Pirates, 5* [STR] Blamenco the Mallet, 5* [QCK] The Supersonic Van Augur, 5* [PSY] Sanji, 20th Anniversary Memorial Treasure, 5* [DEX] Jesus Burgess, The Hidden Shadow within the Birdcage, 5* [PSY] Sugar, Donquixote Family, The Most Important Person (6.50€)
5* [QCK] Monkey D. Luffy, Gathering of the Straw Hats, 5* [DEX] Marshall D. Teach, Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates, 5* [QCK] Donquixote Doflamingo, Donquixote Pirates, 5* [DEX] Roronoa Zoro Ashura Ichibugin, 5* [DEX] Sanji, Chef of Love, 5* [INT] Sentomaru of the Axe, Navy HQ Officer (6.50€)
5* [QCK] Rob Lucci, World Government Monster, 5* [DEX] Magellan, Prison Ruler, 6* [STR] King of the Day Inuarashi, 5* [INT] Charlotte Amande, Big Mom Pirates, 5* [QCK] Bobbin, Big Mom Pirates, 5* [STR] Zeff, The Fighting Cook's Caretaker (6.50€)
5* [QCK] Surgeon of Death Trafalgar Law, Search for Joker, 6* [QCK] Kami Eneru, Clash of the Great Pirate Era [Fairy Vearth], 5* [QCK] Marco, Whitebeard 1st Div. Commander, 5* [DEX] Nico Robin, Reunion of the Straw Hat Pirates, 5* [PSY] Bartholomew Kuma, Clash of the Great Pirate Era [Crew Obliterator], 5* [QCK] Nico Robin, 20th Anniversary Memorial Treasure, 5* [INT] Marguerite, Strawhat Luffy's Accomplice (6.50€)
5* [STR] Akainu, Navy HQ's Strongest Forces, 5* [DEX] Sir Crocodile: Logia, Warlord of the Sea, 5* [QCK] Boa Hancock, 5* [QCK] Diamond Jozu, 5* [INT] Haruta, Gale Small Swordsman, 5* [QCK] Nico Robin, 20th Anniversary Memorial Treasure (6.50€)
5* [STR] Bartolomeo, 5* [INT] Knight of the Sea Jinbe, 5* [STR] Edward Newgate, 5* [INT] Ice Witch Whitey Bay, 5* [DEX] Momonga, Monster Slash of the Great Commander, Navy Vice Admiral, 5* [STR] Zeff, The Fighting Cook's Caretaker (6.50€)
6* [DEX] Dark King Rayleigh, An Old Soldier Watching Over an Era, 5* [QCK] Kami Eneru, Endless Dreams of Arch Enemies, 5* [DEX] Sir Crocodile: Logia, Warlord of the Sea, 5* [INT] Red Flag X Drake, 5* [PSY] Fierce Little Oars Jr, The Pathfinder Breakthrough (6.00€)
6* [PSY] King of the Night Nekomamushi, 5* [PSY] Nekomamushi, 6* [INT] Dark King Rayleigh, 5* [STR] Fossa the Blazing Katana, 5* [DEX] Elizabeth, Straw Hat Pirates Accomplice (6.00€)
6* [PSY] Vinsmoke Sanji, Germa Kingdom's Savior, 6* [INT] Sakazuki, Decisive Deadly Battle, 5* [STR] Bartolomeo (5.00€)
6* [QCK] Kami Eneru, Clash of the Great Pirate Era [Fairy Vearth], 5* [STR] Bartolomeo, 5* [PSY] Sabo, 5* [PSY] Seρor Pink, Donquixote Pirates, 5* [INT] Ricky, Mystery Swordsman, 5* [INT] Nico Robin, A Pirate Who Lives By Her Code (6.50€)
6* [QCK] Warlord of the Sea Trafalgar Law, Aim for Joker, 5* [PSY] Shirahoshi-hime, 5* [DEX] Sir Crocodile: Logia, Warlord of the Sea, 5* [INT] Nami, Happiness Punch, 5* [QCK] Monkey D. Luffy, Crew's Promise: 3D2Y, 5* [DEX] Boa Sandersonia, Strawhat Luffy's Accomplice, 5* [STR] Marco the Phoenix, Guardian of the Will (6.50€)
6* [QCK] Warlord of the Sea Trafalgar Law, Aim for Joker, 5* [PSY] Shirahoshi-hime, 5* [INT] Hody Jones, New Fishman Pirates Captain, 5* [PSY] Kingdew, Twin Fist Gauntlets, 5* [INT] Haruta, Gale Small Swordsman, 5* [STR] Monkey D. Luffy, 20th Anniversary Memorial Treasure, 5* [PSY] Jinbe, Hell's Warlord of the Sea, 5* [QCK] Bobbin, Big Mom Pirates (6.50€)
6* [QCK] Warlord of the Sea Trafalgar Law, Aim for Joker, 6* [STR] Rob Lucci, CP9's Strongest, 6* [STR] Whitebeard, 5* [STR] Lao G., Donquixote Pirates, 5* [PSY] Ikaros Much, Ghosts of Fishman District (6.00€)
6* [QCK] White Knight Cavendish, 6* [STR] Man-Eating Bartolomeo, 5* [PSY] Sabo, 5* [STR] Fossa the Blazing Katana, 5* [INT] Brook, Reunion of the Straw Hat Pirates, 5* [PSY] Ikaros Much, Ghosts of Fishman District, 5* [INT] Brannew, Fighting with Absolute Justice (6.50€)
6* [STR] Charlotte Katakuri, Big Mom Pirates 3 Sweet Commanders, 5* [PSY] Boa Hancock, Strawhat Luffy's Cooperator, 5* [PSY] Nekomamushi, 5* [PSY] Fukuro, CP9's Strongest, 5* [INT] Ricky, Mystery Swordsman, 5* [QCK] Vinsmoke Niji, Germa 66 Science Combat Force, 5* [DEX] Shirahoshi, You're My Valentine (6.50€)
6* [STR] Lucy, Corrida Colosseum Champion, 5* [QCK] Kami Eneru, Endless Dreams of Arch Enemies, 5* [DEX] Marshall D. Teach, Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates, 5* [DEX] Flintlock Pistols Izo, 5* [QCK] Gladius, Donquixote Pirates (6.00€)
6* [STR] Lucy, Corrida Colosseum Champion, 6* [QCK] Warlord of the Sea Trafalgar Law, Aim for Joker, 5* [QCK] Marco, Whitebeard 1st Div. Commander, 5* [DEX] Smoker, G-5 Navy HQ Vice Admiral, 5* [STR] Mr. 2 Bon Clay, A Friend in Hell (6.00€)
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Old 03/14/2020, 03:05   #2 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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Hi how much for kaido starter acc
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Old 04/22/2020, 18:58   #3 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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how i can contact
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