[Selling] WTS gold in NosOlympus 11/18/2022 - Nostale Trading - 0 Replies Want to sell gold in NosOlympus, i have currently 5.2b
My rate is 70kk:1$
Payment only throught Paypal, you have to cover paypal comission
https://imgur.com/WeaCRUf you can see the money i have rn, i'll be selling once every two weeks to gain a decent amount of money
If you're interested you can PM
[Selling] NosOlympus gold 11/04/2022 - Nostale Trading - 0 Replies I'm buying gold on NosOlympus
My discord is: Jalopi#8496
Trade gold NosOlympus to NosByte 10/18/2022 - Nostale Trading - 2 Replies I give u gold in NosOlympus and u give me gold on Byte :handsdown:
Discord: Olympusgold#7252
WTT R5 Acc on Fen for stuff on uni (or stuff for stuff) 10/18/2010 - Rappelz Trading - 0 Replies WTT acc with 114 Evoker 88 SB, 33 ursa CM 60 sin 54 priest and 20 hw (lol). Trade for stuff on uni
Or WTT stuff on fenrir for stuff on uni.
Email me at [email protected] with questions or to find out what stuff i have.
Also willing to sell for USD/ CSD on paypal.