Hello everyone, today I come to announce our server. It is in ALPHA state, we want to go little by little because we want things to be working and your gameplay to be comfortable and that you like it a lot. So if you want to come and play and grow with us, then you are welcome. Thank you all and have a good day
Server Information
Server Status: ALFA
Experience Rate: x15
Job Experience Rate: x15
Reputation Rate: x1
Hero Experience Rate: x15
Drop Rate: x15
Fairy Experience Rate: x15
Gold Rate: x15
Gold Drop Rate: x15
Instant Battle: Working
IceBreaker: Working
Specialists 1 - 7: Working (We are working on sp8)
IceBreaker: Working
Pet & Partner System: Working
Act4: Working
Custom System Reward in Instant Battle.
Custom System Reward in Raid Box.
Lotery System.
Server Links
Download Link:
Register Link:
Discord Link: