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SELL BM pXV 6/6 and lagers 500/10€ on Celestial World

Discussion on SELL BM pXV 6/6 and lagers 500/10€ on Celestial World within the Metin2 Trading forum part of the MMORPG Trading category.

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Arrow SELL BM pXV 6/6 and lagers 500/10€ on Celestial World

Hi there,
Im selling a BM P XV with 6/6 passives

jera rune skillchain +10m
red jera +3 stacks
green uruz hit 10 more mobs
red jera ghost of flame speed +40%
green jera ghost of flame hit 9 times
and celestian might is uruz ghost hit +150%
Just write me on DC.

Im also quit with this server and can sell Equipment too for lagers or €.
Im also selling Lagers 450/10€ and 500/100€ we can create a good offer for you
Dont be shy and text me on DC

Best Regards
killerherz12 is offline  

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