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[Release] Talent Tree LUA by Agronaque512

Discussion on [Release] Talent Tree LUA by Agronaque512 within the Metin2 PServer Guides & Strategies forum part of the Metin2 Private Server category.

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[Release] Talent Tree LUA by Agronaque512


Here is a second release of mine.
This will create a choice for the player in a RPG-style which allow him to choose between 3 talent-trees.

Depending on the choosed tree, the player will receive some bonus. Also, every levelup getting bonus.


quest specialization_intro begin
    state start begin
        -- Upon player login
        when login begin
            -- Check if the player has already received the letter
            if pc.getqf("specialization_intro_done") == 0 then
                -- Send the letter to the player
                send_letter("Specialization - Talk to the Guardian")

quest specialization_bonus begin
    state start begin
        -- Interaction with the NPC to choose specialization
        when"Choose Specialization" or"Choose Specialization" or"Choose Specialization" begin
            if pc.getqf("specialization_chosen") == 0 then
                local job = pc.get_job()
                local specialization_choices = {
                    [0] = { -- Warrior
                        {"Barbarian", "A brutal warrior with great physical strength. Bonus: Vitality and Strength."},
                        {"Guardian", "A solid warrior protecting others. Bonus: Vitality and Defense."},
                        {"Balance", "A warrior who maintains a good balance between strength and defense."}
                    [1] = { -- Ninja
                        {"Assassin", "An expert in quick and stealthy attacks. Bonus: Dexterity and Strength."},
                        {"Shadow Master", "An agile ninja with great precision. Bonus: Dexterity and Precision."},
                        {"Balance", "A ninja who maintains a good balance between agility and strength."}
                    [3] = { -- Shaman
                        {"Earth Shaman", "A shaman who uses earth magic to strengthen vitality. Bonus: Intelligence and Vitality."},
                        {"Water Shaman", "A shaman who uses water magic to increase mana. Bonus: Intelligence and Mana."},
                        {"Balance", "A shaman who maintains a good balance between magic and vitality."}
                    [2] = { -- Sura
                        {"War Sura", "A powerful sura specialized in physical attacks. Bonus: Strength and Magic."},
                        {"Magic Sura", "A sura who uses powerful spells to deal damage. Bonus: Strength and Magic."},
                        {"Balance", "A sura who maintains a good balance between strength and magic."}

                while true do
                    if specialization_choices[job] then
                        local choices = specialization_choices[job]
                        local choice = select(choices[1][1], choices[2][1], choices[3][1], "Return")

                        if choice == 4 then
                            -- If "Return" is chosen, cancel the process
                            say("Choice canceled.")
                        elseif choice then
                            local selected_choice = choices[choice]
                            local description = selected_choice[2]

                            -- Display the description and ask for confirmation
                            say("You have chosen: " .. selected_choice[1] .. ".")
                            local confirm = select("Confirm", "Return")

                            if confirm == 1 then
                                -- Save the choice and exit the loop
                                pc.setqf("temp_specialization_choice", choice)
                                pc.setqf("temp_specialization_description", description)
                                -- Return to the initial selection
                                say("Returning to the initial choice.")
                            say("Choice canceled.")
                        say("You cannot choose a specialization.")

                -- Confirm the specialization choice
                if pc.getqf("temp_specialization_choice") then
                    local choice = pc.getqf("temp_specialization_choice")
                    local description = pc.getqf("temp_specialization_description")
                    -- Save the chosen specialization
                    local job = pc.get_job()
                    local specialization_choices = {
                        [0] = { -- Warrior
                        [1] = { -- Ninja
                            "Shadow Master",
                        [3] = { -- Shaman
                            "Earth Shaman",
                            "Water Shaman",
                        [2] = { -- Sura
                            "War Sura",
                            "Magic Sura",
                    local selected_specialization = specialization_choices[job][choice]

                    -- Save and confirm the choice
                    pc.setqf("specialization_chosen", 1)
                    pc.setqf("specialization", choice)
                    pc.setqf("specialization_name", selected_specialization)
                    say("You have confirmed your specialization choice: " .. selected_specialization .. ".")

                    -- Save the chosen specialization to apply the bonuses
                    pc.setqf("specialization_intro_done", 1)
                    pc.setqf("temp_specialization_choice", nil)
                    pc.setqf("temp_specialization_description", nil)
                say("You have already chosen a specialization.")

    state apply_bonus begin
        -- Apply bonuses when leveling up
        when levelup begin
            if pc.getqf("specialization_chosen") == 1 then
                local job = pc.get_job()
                local spec = pc.getqf("specialization")

                local specialization_bonus = {
                    [0] = { -- Warrior
                        [1] = {ht = 2, st = 2},  -- Barbarian
                        [2] = {ht = 3, st = 1},  -- Guardian
                        [3] = {ht = 1, st = 1, dx = 1}  -- Balance
                    [1] = { -- Ninja
                        [1] = {dx = 3, st = 1}, -- Assassin
                        [2] = {dx = 2, st = 2}, -- Shadow Master
                        [3] = {dx = 2, st = 1, iq = 1}  -- Balance
                    [3] = { -- Shaman
                        [1] = {iq = 3, ht = 1},  -- Earth Shaman
                        [2] = {iq = 2, ht = 2},  -- Water Shaman
                        [3] = {iq = 2, ht = 1, dx = 1}   -- Balance
                    [2] = { -- Sura
                        [1] = {st = 2, iq = 1},  -- War Sura
                        [2] = {st = 1, iq = 2},  -- Magic Sura
                        [3] = {st = 2, iq = 1, dx = 1}   -- Balance

                if specialization_bonus[job] and specialization_bonus[job][spec] then
                    -- Apply the bonuses
                    local bonuses = specialization_bonus[job][spec]
                    for stat, value in pairs(bonuses) do
                        if stat == "ht" then
                            pc.set_ht(pc.get_ht() + value)
                        elseif stat == "iq" then
                            pc.set_iq(pc.get_iq() + value)
                        elseif stat == "st" then
                            pc.set_st(pc.get_st() + value)
                        elseif stat == "dx" then
                            pc.set_dx(pc.get_dx() + value)
agronaque512 is offline  

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