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[RELEASE] Mobware Multihack - GF
Discussion on [RELEASE] Mobware Multihack - GF within the Metin2 Hacks, Bots, Cheats, Exploits & Macros forum part of the Metin2 category.
01/21/2025, 02:23
elite*gold: 0
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friend, I can't enter either
the red sign appears in the gameforge client
Hi, friend
I get the red sign when using the gameforge client
I have days without being able to access my account
I have not received any ban email as usually happens
I guess it's a temporary block
is there a way to avoid it?
01/21/2025, 20:50
elite*gold: 0
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merhaba scket cilent error hatsı verip kapanıyo oyun neden olur
01/21/2025, 21:54
elite*gold: 26
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Originally Posted by CurZi
merhaba scket cilent error hatsı verip kapanıyo oyun neden olur
english please, btw open the exe as admin, into the same path as the dll
01/21/2025, 22:04
elite*gold: 0
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Hello, what causes the game to close with the scket cilent error line?Can you describe it?
01/21/2025, 22:24
elite*gold: 26
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Originally Posted by CurZi
Hello, what causes the game to close with the scket cilent error line?Can you describe it?
can be caused if the client can't send the bytes to the exe, so maybe something is blocking it
01/21/2025, 23:38
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by .back
can be caused if the client can't send the bytes to the exe, so maybe something is blocking it
Is there any solution for the red sign?
01/22/2025, 09:19
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by trollencio69
Is there any solution for the red sign?
Try different network. For example usb-tethering/hotspot from smartphone. Different pc on different wifi.
Don't forget to turn off VPN if you use any.
01/22/2025, 12:59
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by .back
Hi everyone, it's me again, after some months of break i've finally completed the new version of the bot. Thanks everyone for the support.
I suggest you to read the "HOW TO" spoilers because I can't reply to everyone in pm.
Feel free to join to see the previews before the release and also to receive support from us or from other users for every problem
1. Open "maps_points.zip" and put 'maps' and 'points' into "C:\mobware_mt2" ( if it doesn't exists, create it ).
2. Open "mobware-external.zip" and then extract 'mobware-external' folder ( without moving out the files from that folder ).
Launch "mobware-v3-loader.exe" AS ADMINISTRATOR, don't change the name of the DLL, be sure that the DLL is ALWAYS into the same folder as the loader is.
Once opened the exe the loader will look like  select the process and then press "inject".
Here you can see some menu screen

To use Waithack Dummy Exploit you must have two game clients enabled and inject dll into both clients.
Both characters must be logged on the same server and the same channel, they need to be into the same CORE in order to work (very important).
below is a list of maps that share the same core, that is, one character can stand in City 2, for example, and main character can be in Desert and exploit will continue to work and deal damage.
City 2:
- Desert
Spider 1:
- Spider 1
- Spider 2
- Spider 3
- Exile 1
- Exile 2
- Hydra
- Gautama Cliff
- Cape Dragon Fire
- Enchanted Forest
- Devil's Tower
- Ghost Forest
- Red Forest
- Snakefield
- Realm of Giants
1. From the dummy char, the one that u want to attack fast, press "enable" and then "connect dummy" button.
2. From the main char, press enable and it will be enabled.
If you got the "Black screen" problem, just disable the "GPU Acceleration" from your display settings.
If you have two monitor, do the same for BOTH monitors.
Follow the "Method 1" (win 11) guide from
Also, under the "GPU Acceleration", disable "Optimizations for windowed games" too
If you got the same problem and u're on Windows 10, just scroll a bit the page and follow the "Method 2".
[V3] UPDATE: 18.01.25
+ moved the control of the client externally
+ added the possibility to control every client from different tabs ( without limitations �� )
+ fixed some crashes
+ radar is now external ( you can still teleport by pressing the wheel into the radar, press it once every X seconds and don't teleport too fast or u will get kicked / experience crash )
+ added waithack exploit key / onpress
+ ch changer is now automatic and will not crash anymore while injecting
+ improved waithack / waithack exploit
+ added player detection whitelist
+ added multiselection to the filter list + fixed "?" characters
+ added top most
[V3] UPDATE: 19.01.25
+ fixed item config crash while saving list containing special characters
( download the new zip and just replace the exe )
Latest Update: 19.01.25 [ WORKING ]
Virustotal ( it's heavily obfuscated and also opens socket connections to communicate with the dll, may give false positives, u're free to use it or not ): and
Buenisimo, funciona bien, por qué no tiene para utilizar pociones rojas y azules?
01/22/2025, 16:42
elite*gold: 0
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Posts: 24
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Originally Posted by karabasmayan01
I got the error "The game is not available for you" and I could not log in to my account again.
same here .. 2 days after... i can't acces my account , " wrong email or pass "
01/22/2025, 18:57
elite*gold: 0
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I still can't log in, I have an account with a red sign for 5 days
they should update the mobware
01/22/2025, 20:06
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Dec 2024
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Hey, i just wan to use the multihack for leveling with autohunt for auto login. Is there a possibility that the bot turns on autohunt after auto login?
01/23/2025, 08:05
elite*gold: 0
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bot does not inject, does not open
ok i solved it
The game closes by saying socket error ciliend
01/23/2025, 12:24
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jun 2024
Posts: 91
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Originally Posted by .back
red bar is pretty random, as now since I've released the cheat the first time, I never got banned. That's because I use it without leaving it afk...
So, i got it too, wrote a ticket to the GF Support. My Account go tbanned, its the 2. time a highlevel Account got banned from me.. Is it because i used the auto pickup sometimes or;
IS it possible that GF can realize that i use a "Thirt Party Program"?
And i need to start the Cheat about 20 Times until it doesnt close.. I tried everything; "Fullscreen/Windowed", restarted my PC, reinstalled both (Cheat and Game, even the GF Launcher), Try to start the Cheat in different times ingame (Loginscreen, Servers, Channels, Instandly after presing "Start" in GF Launcher, While connecting, Charakters, different Maps, after 1 Hour ingame.. Nothing.. Just nothing, How can i fix this?
01/23/2025, 17:52
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 24
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Don't use this hack
i got ban using this hack .. after update . it's a GF ban for all account
Originally Posted by trollencio69
I still can't log in, I have an account with a red sign for 5 days
they should update the mobware
you are banned ..
01/23/2025, 19:16
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Dec 2024
Posts: 10
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Originally Posted by .Ry
So, i got it too, wrote a ticket to the GF Support. My Account go tbanned, its the 2. time a highlevel Account got banned from me.. Is it because i used the auto pickup sometimes or;
IS it possible that GF can realize that i use a "Thirt Party Program"?
And i need to start the Cheat about 20 Times until it doesnt close.. I tried everything; "Fullscreen/Windowed", restarted my PC, reinstalled both (Cheat and Game, even the GF Launcher), Try to start the Cheat in different times ingame (Loginscreen, Servers, Channels, Instandly after presing "Start" in GF Launcher, While connecting, Charakters, different Maps, after 1 Hour ingame.. Nothing.. Just nothing, How can i fix this?
i guess its the starting the client 20 times over and over again.
before the recent update i had to restart the client multiple times too and those farm accounts got banned.
now mobware works very stable for me and i dont got banned yet lets see for how long lmao
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