Young SignorinoJunior Member |
Last Activity: Today 10:20
11/27/2024 |
18:19 - MrObvious83 mentioned Young Signorino in post Updated Headers 11/14/2024 - Fixes latest Updates [MENTION=8582575]Young Signorino
Local $hFileOpen = Gw.exe($sFilePath, $FO_READ)
If $hFileOpen = -1 Then
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "An error occurred when reading the file.")
Return False
look... |
11/19/2024 |
16:12 - t7tcrusher mentioned Young Signorino in post Updated Headers 11/14/2024 - Fixes latest Updates Young Signorino, thanks very much for the header updates!
Zilvermoon, thank you for the gwa2_header update. I did add this next change :
Global Const $HEADER_PARTY_PLACE_FLAG = 0x19
G... |
11/14/2024 |
22:36 - Deleted Posts |
22:36 - Deleted Posts |
19:39 - MrObvious83 mentioned Young Signorino in post Updated Headers 11/14/2024 - Fixes latest Updates Young Signorino
So map travel from GH to outposts are not working and the code to communicate with the NPC is not working either
;~ Description: Travel to your guild hall.
Func Travel... |
11/17/2024 |
18:13 - thedemonnl quoted Young Signorino in post Updated Headers 11/14/2024 - Fixes latest Updates yeah, w/o the spacebar. somehow it automatically sets a spacebar there. no clue why.
Which spacebar needs to go?
AddPattern('33C58945FC8B45088945F08... |
00:21 - Hajsu quoted Young Signorino in post Updated Headers 11/14/2024 - Fixes latest Updates Have you tried the new headers yet?
to be honest, with this edit it works better and more stable (zero crashes) than before game update, lol.. thanks. |
11/16/2024 |
22:04 - glechene quoted Young Signorino in post Updated Headers 11/14/2024 - Fixes latest Updates Take a look at first post for salvage-fix. I updated it.
Yes, sorry I totally missed that. Thank you for all of your help. Works just fine when you take the time to read and apply it... |
10:02 - Hajsu quoted Young Signorino in post Updated Headers 11/14/2024 - Fixes latest Updates Have you tried the new headers yet?
u mean - using the same headers for commandall func and cancelall func? i used only: HEADER_HERO_FLAG_ALL but in another situation. |
04/13/2024 |
18:45 - 4rm4nd quoted Young Signorino in post Multiaccount Follow/Fight/Spike Bot maybe take a look at the brackets yourself.
"And (GUICtrlRead($AllMats) = 1))"
quick math:
2x (
3x )
Error : Unbalanced brackets in expression.
What could be the solution?
I'm pretty su... |