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sacred_flower sacred_flower is offline

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  1. Lucasbigoaa
    09/21/2016 02:51 - permalink
    Please i can go first for 50 or 100b
  2. euchariz
    07/13/2009 19:40 - permalink
    hello... i just read your post that you are seeking how to bypass the game Ether Saga online right? i am from Philippines too... and i am dying to play ESO.. i searched the internet but cant find an effective ways.. i just want to ask you if you already find the solution on how to play the game.. please let me know.. message me in my friendster ( ) or to my email ( )
    please dont message me here coz i just registered just to contact you.. thanks alot hope you can help me T_T


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  • Last Activity: 08/11/2021 20:05
  • Join Date: 05/11/2008


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07:58 - bog18dy quoted sacred_flower in post New Dawn - 9Dragons Private Server
false positive? Yes, due to the fact we've protected our ninedragons.exe with an encryption tool.
13:53 - rockerbla quoted sacred_flower in post AO Reborn: Server Relaunch
how do you get equipment then? dont tell me you still use spirit at 100? since box and crystal drop seems so low Farm mats and craft baby , craft ! :)
01:41 - ruffyice12 quoted sacred_flower in post AO Reborn: Server Relaunch
ok honest replied here theres good/bad review the bad one -im doing main quest... and im kinda *insert negro picture with confuse like in discord* dont know where to go...i mean i kn...
22:34 - ept76 quoted sacred_flower in post AO Reborn: Server Relaunch
3-4 days and stuck at level 36... Can assure you that 90'ish in a day is possible, no weird exploits, just knowing how AO works... Long story short, quests drag you down speed-wise, merc...
04:09 - ilebyc70 quoted sacred_flower in post Atlantica ALFA (PS Indo)
so this is like the most updated version? like mtrue? or still just no stuck-up wannabe? last mercenary added is gigas, necromacer will added in next update,
16:34 - xlw00tlx quoted sacred_flower in post Atlantica ALFA (PS Indo)
so this is like the most updated version? like mtrue? or still just no stuck-up wannabe? they are version 32314 or so,i have 32380 with washingtong and gigas
02:49 - magenub quoted sacred_flower in post AO Reborn: Server Opening
so i guess no battlemage/dual sword main? Not in this version no :) Launch prep is finished. You can now register an account(, check the latest p...
18:52 - morangs quoted sacred_flower in post Account Atlantica Valofe NA [CHEAPEST]
hi can you make the same with some merc in other server? i dont have skype though but i do have other contact detail hello... send me PM . and tell me what server do you looking for. ...
08:40 - dragonfury9 quoted sacred_flower in post [Official] 9D Eclipse server - Launch
can anyone help? i just formatted my pc but gdrive download link give me problem... like after 1 gig + it stated failed network.. i really hope someone can provide mega link... Try to u...
13:20 - Felgorn quoted sacred_flower in post [Official] 9D Eclipse server - Launch
ya for idiots maybe... pass for 550k puih Lol. I have not tried it yet. For now I'm just killing the Map Bosses. :D
11:28 - Felgorn quoted sacred_flower in post [Official] 9D Eclipse server - Launch
im referring to that idiot felgorn server :) It's not my server. I play a couple of days. This is better than the 9D Eclipse. :bandit:
16:26 - Felgorn quoted sacred_flower in post [Official] 9D Eclipse server - Launch
have you try fight frozen flower at entrance to cof dark side like 3hr contiuously no drop pass? You're so unlucky. You can buy pass from NPC in Hefei. He's right, dont lose your time wi...
19:34 - ihgyug2 quoted sacred_flower in post [Official] 9D Eclipse server - Launch
how stupid are you? im doing a quest that need to go dungeon choice of fate... and mobs around me already dark blue this is exactly happen before ZeroN You are a clueless moron, dark ...
12:33 - ihgyug2 quoted sacred_flower in post [Official] 9D Eclipse server - Launch
i advise people dont go to pass for dungeon is 550k.... even cof.... a bug chinese ghost and expensive refinemenet... Or you can kill few mobs outside of the dungeon?lol xD ...
22:06 - ™Sin™ quoted sacred_flower in post [Official] 9D Eclipse server - Launch
just asking, i know its grind fest game but... any idea if gm will fix those rtd quest? Actually its not that much of a grind since West mobs give a lot of exp. Why you need rtd quests ? K...
16:26 - bastiannw quoted sacred_flower in post 9Dragons Eclipse ETA?
i dont mean to be rude, but why so negative? You want me to be positive about a server where all the abusers are welcome and it's run by mardu and some no-names?
15:42 - mrquickshipuk quoted sacred_flower in post 9DS - new server coming soon...
voting system for cash shop? Excuse me?
14:09 - Deleted Posts
08:07 - Adek quoted sacred_flower in post [NEW] ZeroN 9D - The Ultimate 9D Server
if i may suggest to Zeron, adek1994 bogdy(not the fake bogdy) and xtJamie do host 3 site to upload -mega -torrent -any other hoster i appreciate if you can just do that :) thanks...
11:49 - Deleted Posts

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