Last Activity: 11/13/2018 01:55
08/18/2018 |
12:53 - Fonollosa quoted Got one. 2,3,4 seasons full, 5th season is at tier 50. 500+ wins, good kdr and some stuff bought, pm if interested
Don't need so many stuff, just season 2 |
07/25/2018 |
12:29 - Deleted Posts |
12:29 - For Honor, Overwatch, Hots, R6S, some mobile game accounts, Black Desert and an Smite account
What can you offer me?
For Honor, Overwatch, Hots, R6S, some mobile game accounts, Black ... |
07/11/2018 |
21:05 - iliketocarry quoted Its worth way more than 60$, just because of the blacknight
my man |
05/03/2018 |
02:28 - marufkai quoted Lmao, I was the one getting scammed both time and I couldnt remove my negatives because im not a elite gold trader, even tho I showed them all the proof
Scammer alert |
05/02/2018 |
20:41 - mikiway quoted Scammers?
You have -2 TBM. You made 5 Trades of which 2 were bad. So thats a no from me dawg |
20:22 - mikiway quoted Have one with 2 and 3 seasons fully done. PM me your offers paypal
Nah i don't trade with scammers sorry bruh. Pmed every one of you. |
13:37 - Deleted Posts |
13:37 - Ameja quoted No code but an account
only code boys.
22$, if interested - dm me
15€. |
04/26/2018 |
17:14 - F1rstBl00d quoted Well, youre actually stupid then. At first you agreed to go first, after I accepted the trade you said that you wont go first
1) I never said that i go first.
2) I accepted the trade an... |
17:04 - F1rstBl00d quoted Wouldn't recomend working with this guy, kid full of bullshit. Agreed to go first, when I sent him a trade request, he changed his mind. Of course it was all planned.
A 3/0/2 man saying ... |
06:40 - Fonollosa quoted 10 euros sound fishy, but if you say so
I was a reseller,and he said me the new price but i didnt buy it because I was selling them for 9,5€ 2 weeks ago |
04/08/2018 |
17:55 - bananafish123 quoted what's good bananajoe xD
I dont know? |
02/06/2018 |
12:48 - |
02/05/2018 |
23:29 - |
22:13 - |
01/27/2018 |
20:23 - No thanks
No middleman or OPSkins? Hmmmmmmmmmm :confused: |
12/23/2017 |
16:16 - Got a nice one on east if interested, all champs, over 80 skins and stuff, hit me up if you got interested
You have 5 TBM´s and 2 are negative, im not intrested but Thanks for the Offer ... |
12/19/2017 |
23:00 - Deleted Posts |
12/10/2017 |
02:12 - have 0,8. How much can you buy? And what are you paying?
how much? I'm paying through paypal |