Last Activity: 12/30/2019 17:43
05/18/2018 |
18:18 - x123x123x quoted how can I add the cannons? >epvpImg: simple.
and thank you for your help first of all
Column "Materia... |
05/17/2018 |
19:24 - x123x123x quoted hello sir I need you to help me put it like that, there is also the version of the game
Photo >epvpImg: *nomnomnom*, we eat your images.
I partially watched the server version 3.02.... |
05/16/2018 |
23:10 - Deleted Posts |
23:09 - x123x123x quoted how can I do so that they do not enter item from +1 to 10 in warehouse of roma and at home storage?
Modify the procedure in the database. Add a condition that if the item has sharpenin... |
21:59 - x123x123x quoted really?
there a private server that did that you can choose mercenaries from all classes
version of the game is what? |
19:23 - x123x123x quoted can you help me set up TBS please
you know how to change the mode in tbs to choose any mercenary? PLEASE help me
This does not work in this version of the game, it will only be poss... |
19:20 - x123x123x quoted please who gives me a help in the configuration of the TBS
someone knows how to change the mode in tbs to choose any mercenary? PLEASE help me
Most of the data in the configuration fil... |
05/28/2016 |
02:51 - ColdyetWarm quoted Hi thanks for help
i play with my wife in local.
I use command /ciall item for time being
i have problem with this command : /ciall Iron Sand or /ciall IronSand or /ciall 'Iron... |
04/03/2016 |
03:18 - dr.vicky quoted atlantica pvp off ?someone ?
i could not log on too.. server on maintenance ? :( |