valoniakJunior Member |
Last Activity: 01/26/2023 16:12
04/29/2022 |
16:36 - MMOPerfection© quoted valoniak in post I have the gold method used for gold shops and resellers can I sell it here? (Legal) collectibles farm in a grp
Thats all it is, this "method" is literally farming certain spots for collectibles and obviously the more characters/PCs you have the more you yield in retu... |
14:31 - Shadedarkness quoted valoniak in post I have the gold method used for gold shops and resellers can I sell it here? (Legal) collectibles farm in a grp
Yeah by the sounds of his post, it's definitely farming collectables. No scripts (no AH sniping/chaos bot), not having enough time to farm (if not life skil... |